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1087613 No. 1087613 ID: 46e818

Our work is done.
The raider's camp is broken.

Finesse, Tislomer, Ashedel and I traveled again to the villages of the Timore Woodlands, bringing with us the abducted children we recovered from their captivity.

Finesse's old village, Ihnesh-Nayevh, was presentable, but still recovering from the previous chaos. With their stolen children reunited, and the blessings of the Seer reaffirmed in symbol, they pledged themselves without hesitation to our cause.

Still, we chose to give them the time and distance to recover themselves, and I vowed to send an emissary in the coming days to establish a more foundational agreement.
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No. 1090450 ID: 84117e

Well, guess we're never finding out what he did with the birdgirl after that.
No. 1090452 ID: 2f41db

You know you need to pose for an enormous, intimidating statue now, right?
No. 1090454 ID: 3f3d5c

Looks great, boss. I'm especially looking forward to decorating the great hall. Showing off your wealth and taste in decor is always the best part. Get some feng shui going on, maybe a nice statue-

Heck yeah! We'll put it right in the middle, so everyone can see right as they walk in.


Anyway, about that guest room... I assume they're going to be on one of the other floors, now? That's a good call. I think it'd be good if they had to walk a bit before actually being able to leave. For... reasons.
No. 1090455 ID: ce619a

So how does your room go down? Is the junction between the two rooms a stairwell, or is it a ramp/staircase down?

Also, nice idea with the north/south hallway along the barracks to lessen traffic through it.
We could still use a dedicated infirmary, though. After everything Ona's been through letting her have her own workspace would be a nice reward, too.

Rest assured that many feathers were ruffled
No. 1090476 ID: c2a27a

So, find anything neat while you were clearing out all the space, or just more ore and magic crystals and whatnot?

Also I'm a little concerned about the roof caving in and/or running out of space but these are problems with relatively easy solutions should we run into them.
No. 1090502 ID: 46e818
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>"Master Muschio, please come quickly. We've discovered something on the lower level."

"Oh no, what now?"
No. 1090503 ID: 46e818
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>"We noticed this almost immediately -- the Odds have breached an existing chamber while excavating. It doesn't appear natural.
>We've already tested the air, first with a torch. It seems breathable, but the space beyond is too deep to see much through without entering. All we can really make out is black pillars of some kind."
No. 1090505 ID: 273c18

Ah, it seems we've found the reason why this mountain amplifies magic. Or evidence of someone else who utilized that aspect. Let's make a bigger hole so we can send an expedition through.

...or should we wait until after the visit?
No. 1090509 ID: eb0a9c

>Black Pillars
Uh oh.
We don't have any drones. Set up a doorway, but rig it to blow.

Also, for future reference: ore does not 'replenish' itself, you either dig for more or you let the natural processes of the cave dig for you. Once you run out, you need to recycle what you have.
No. 1090510 ID: ce619a

The realistic option would be to seal that shit up, nix the plans of having lower levels to the base and forget about tunneling any deeper...

but we all know we're going to explore that shit.
le sigh
Be prepared for more demons, invaders, ghosts, etc with whatever seals/sigils/spells we need to protect ourselves from those kinds of things.
Check if we can ward a denling from that kind of crap, do it we can, then send it down. Attached to a rope if possible.

On that topic, we need more mannikins in general. We should check with the tribes or red mesa if they have any we could trade for.
No. 1090512 ID: 693f6f

Prepare an expedition!
No. 1090513 ID: 2bacbe

Any idea on how big the room is? I guess it's gotta be big to have pillars in it.

If it's small enough to conceivably scout out, would it possible to send someone in as a single scout, maybe with some invisibility potions from Tislomer? She can still brew something like that up right?

Alternatively if it's a huge cavern I say wait until you can get some sort of expeditionary force to investigate.

Either way we shouldn't just leave it alone.
No. 1090514 ID: eef602

fuck danger, EXPLORE THE CAVERN!
...with the proper safety equipment first at least.
No. 1090515 ID: ea9c0a

Better take a look. Carefully. Be prepared to close it back up again solidly, and in a hurry.
No. 1090517 ID: 2f41db

No one goes in alone, big M.
No one goes in without two people posted guarding the hole.

This is a magic mountain as you well know.
Any nastiness that could be lurking will be amplified.

Ask pendle for advice as hes got experience in archeological endevours though dont ask him to go in.
Light duties for the man. He had a rough time.
No. 1090549 ID: 7493dd

Hey look The Fire Exit, I was wondering where it was.
No. 1090579 ID: 46e818
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There is certainly something ominous about a black, sealed room surrounded on all sides by solid stone.

I have opted to send one of my two Denlings, Logos, in with a light to scout the area.
"Do what you can, but if there is danger, retreat. There's no reason to risk your life over this."
>"Sir! I will report back on my findings within three minutes!"
No. 1090580 ID: 46e818
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A long silence passes, and all I can see is the faint glint of dancing light on smooth stone.
No. 1090582 ID: 46e818
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Finally, Logos returns, seemingly unbothered.

>"Sir! The chamber is smaller than assumed. I would estimate it to be the size of one of the currently excavated bedrooms.
>No living beings or other dangers I could find are inside.
>The room is mostly bare except for seven pedestals of black stone, each bearing a distinct figure which I believe are statuettes. I am no expert on the matter but I it may be some kind of religious site. Sir!"
No. 1090583 ID: d9cb04

Let's investigate and catalogue what we find, it may be a forgotten chamber that Red Fang used for his corrupted worship of Mr. Lollipop. If it is I say we destroy it.
No. 1090584 ID: 987fcf

Alright, widen up the door if you can and get in there with Pendle. Also maybe bring Ash just in case you set off some bizarre magical trap.
No. 1090585 ID: 5d083d

Get Ona, Pendle and Erisol over here for spirits, religion and magic knowledge.
Don't go barging in before you get a good feel for this room.
No. 1090588 ID: eb0a9c

Okay whatever
Block it up and let's excavate in other directions for even more treasures!
No. 1090591 ID: ce619a

It's Redfang's old prayer altar. I believe the Seer showed us a glimpse of it before.
Did the denling find any other doors or portals that could explain how Redfang could get in and out of this place?

Either way, excavate a proper entrance and let's have Ona, Erisol and Pendle carefully check it for lingering magic/runes/bad juju.
No. 1090601 ID: ce619a

Also, hey-
Are the denlings alright?
Previously, the odds gave the impression that the mannikin monsters were semi-mindless automatons, but that's obviously not the case with how lively Embraddeus has been.
So, are these little guys doing good? They lost one of their number awhile back and this guy doesn't look quite as "focused" as the denlings normally do.
Do they ever get any time off or rest? Are we working them too hard?
No. 1090638 ID: 46e818
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Very well. I order the Odds to expand the entrance to comfortably enter without crawling, and seek out Pendle.

"Good morning."
>"Ah, good morning, Prince."
"How are you feeling?"
>"The pain is quite unlike anything I have felt, and it will be some time before I am adjusted to my damaged body, but the residents have been encouraging and patient, especially for all I have put them through.
>For want of distraction, I am eager to return to my work. Have you come about the research you assigned? I have found a few things in my readings you may wish to know already, if you have a few minutes."
No. 1090639 ID: 7f14ef

Sign the blackboard while you talk
No. 1090640 ID: ce619a

Hear out what's he's found then inform him of the newfound room and our need of his expertise identifying the objects in it.
Again, it would be wise to have some kind of magic expert along as well to check the place for lingering magic.

And do we have any trap experts? Someone that can spot and disarm traps better than average? Because that might be a good thing to look out for. I could see Redfang being an even bigger dick and trapping his prayer room.
No. 1090648 ID: c2a27a

Get the lowdown downlow from P-diddy

also mark your territory on the blackboard
No. 1090649 ID: 273c18

Does he want more pain meds? Can't get him addicted, but surely there's some reasonable regimen.
No. 1090659 ID: 3f3d5c

There's a spot right under Ashedel. Make sure to make it flowery, boss! It shows that you put effort in.
No. 1090660 ID: 2f41db

Hes a trooper.
Pick his brain on the research then invite his company or expert opinion on the new excavation.
Sign that board.
You have to do this.
Its the very least you can do
No. 1090661 ID: eb0a9c

Work on inventing the 'camera'.
[Insert description of camera, from chemical flash to light reflecting off object to the lens where it is analog-captured on a slab of chemical paper that changes color if it comes into contact with extreme light.]
No. 1090695 ID: 7493dd

Need our scholar and witch doctor to check this out ASAP
No. 1090696 ID: 46e818
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I sign my name grandly. Pendle deserves a bit of appreciation after all he's been through, of course.

>"First, if I may, I should cover the basics of totem gods."
"Go on."
>"Well, a god, technically speaking, is simply a very powerful being, typically but not necessarily immortal -- one whose abilities so far exceed that of mortals that they seem to break our understanding of natural laws. They exist, make themselves known to mortals, and are worshipped for protection, mercy, boons, and so on. Very simple stuff so far."
No. 1090697 ID: 46e818
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>"However, while a typical god exists, and is then worshipped, a totem god is a being that is worshipped, and then exists. As we understand it, the power of mass worship essentially creates a new entity.
>That thing being worshipped could be an idea, an imagined creature or person, a local ancestor, a memory, a place, even an emotion. For example, a tribe which discovers a very large old tree that looks particularly ominous might revere it as being inhabited by a spirit. Even if the tree is completely mundane, generations of veneration could imbue it with such tangible power that it becomes what they believe it to be, and so a totem god is born.

>Now, as their existence is fueled by belief, their power grows and wanes based on that belief. A god who receives ever-growing worship may become extremely powerful indeed. Whereas a god whose influence has waned or whose followers have been conquered may shrivel, and even disappear.

>There is some debate among religious scholars, of what exactly happens to a totem god who disappears this way. Do they "die"? Can such a being truly die? Do they simply lie dormant, waiting for the day they might once again be revered? If such a god were to re-emerge, would it really be the same being, reawakened? Or would it just be a new entity that believes it is the old one? It's not exactly a field easily studied."
No. 1090698 ID: 46e818
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>"Which brings me to the amulet, that source of much mystery.
>The name "Algotsfilvris" yielded nothing much, but there is essentially no written kobold language. The "Shield of Comose", however, was quite a lead. I found a loose trail of similar designs with no attribution. I'm working on early theories, but I believe all these sigils are simply local or generational variants on the same entity.

>The being we're dealing with was once called "Odu Rumux" in an old goblin tongue I'm not so familiar with, which I can only translate as "a speaking body", or perhaps "the body that speaks".
>There's very little hard record here, but I see evidence of worship across goblins, kobolds, ogres, orcs, all manner of species. Nothing recent though, nothing I can find, at least."
No. 1090700 ID: ce619a

This was apparently a god of "protection of the ugly", so all those races worshiping it tracks.
Might explain why the czar turned a whole city of people into sprites; an "ugly," easily influenced people that could be convinced to worship this totem. Either so the czar can be it's right hand man or perhaps claim to be this god himself and let the worship empower him.

Ask Pendle if that's even possible.
No. 1090701 ID: c2a27a

Well, with a name we can start asking questions. You should probably ask Moira if any of her people know anything about Odu Rumux, and also ask the local goblins. Maybe one of them is old enough to recognize the name.

But first, you should grab Pendle and your other magically inclined friends and check out the cave.
No. 1090702 ID: 80c73b

I was wondering a related thing - what happens to the king of a large enough group of people? Is he affected by their beliefs? If he does a good job (or good PR) and his people believe him kind, wise, strong, infallible, does he become unnaturally moreso?
No. 1090703 ID: eb0a9c

Is such a being technically sapient or are they the aggregate sentience of a generalized algorithmic average?

Mmmoving on!

Hm. What if we simply made our own interpretation?
I don't like rewriting scripture, but it doesn't stop the fact that such gods require updates. Especially after what we saw among the Orcish elite.
Let's make this an open-source discussion among our lands. If this kingdom is going to be ruled by a god, it had better be the kingdom's god, not yours, not ours, and not any one faction's.
No. 1090705 ID: 2f41db

Shaped by belief, but it sounds glacially slow.
Measured in generational faith.

This trait, if it is indeed a thing you wish to control, doesnt strike me as something you will live long enough to see.

If you choose to enact a plan to shape a god, you'll metaphorically be planting trees that even your grandchildren will be waiting to see fruit.

A truly long lived species may have a perspective on this.
Perhaps itll be a good topic for pillow talk with the magnificent sadie.
No. 1090707 ID: ce619a

Most likely not...

not without the use of some kind of item of power that could allow such a thing to happen. Something like a physical totem or idol, like maybe that amulet.

All assumptions, but it's something to go off as we move forward.
No. 1090708 ID: eb0a9c

Well, it would depend on the number of followers and the rate of worship required to turn a mortal into a god.
However, turning a royal lineage literally part-divine over generations? That's... scary.
Can we... not do that? Please?
No. 1090711 ID: debc82


Would it be possible to widen the entrance to the mysterious pillar-chamber and let Pendle here have a look?

I'm thinking it might prove enlightening; either to our current search regarding the amulet, or perhaps our new benefactor in Mr. Lollypop.
No. 1090712 ID: 7493dd

old goblin tongue?
Better ask Finnie about that. Maybe make an evening out of it Boss.

Some fine wine, cold cuts and cheese. Ideal for a long conversation.
No. 1090791 ID: b11d2d

I would say "visit the goblin village and make use of their collected knowledge", but they might need some time to rest after their mass hysteria/orgy thing.
Besides, Finnie seems like the nerdiest of them all, so asking just her might be enough.

What I'm wondering, though: Pendle, do any of those worshippers trace back to Czar Bomba's region? As in, did he dig it up from a local area, or did he come into possession of this relic during an expedition, a journey or a conquest?
No. 1090798 ID: b85b90

Is this run by the original Weaver from /tg/? I'm a tourist, sorry for the ignorance.

If so, I wanted to drop a line that Ruby and Tom from Rubyquest were nominated for /qst/'s King and Queen of /qst/ contest. Ruby lost out in the highly competitive qualification round, but Tom made it through qualifiers and is about to compete in the official King Contest as soon as that gets posted (complete with commissioned art from one of our drawfags).

It's been a long time since you ran on 4chan, but the questing community there still has a lot of respect and admiration for you, and new quests visibly inspired by Rubyquest still pop up fairly often. Thanks for everything.
No. 1090802 ID: ce619a

>As in, did he dig it up from a local area, or did he come into possession of this relic during an expedition, a journey or a conquest?

The Czar never had it. He wanted to kill us for it. We found it in Redfang's possession, who was probably randomly worshiping it like all the other gods.
No. 1090812 ID: c8fb89

New plan. Become a god. Dragons are attracted to power, and gods are powerful, ergo a dragon would be attracted to a god.
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