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File 170863018546.png - (235.76KB , 1295x1295 , 022124_FromNothingTitle.png )
1084137 No. 1084137 ID: 1effd3

From nothing, a new beginning.
Expand all images
No. 1084138 ID: 1effd3
File 170863028644.png - (183.68KB , 1200x1000 , 022124_FromNothing1.png )

The small being struggles to wake, feeling gradually returning to her body. It’s cold, and the darkness is oppressing. She manages to get to her feet and open her eyes.
No. 1084141 ID: 1effd3
File 170863053026.png - (158.69KB , 1200x1000 , 022124_FromNothing2.png )

“Where… am I?”

Surrounded by darkness, a faint light shows itself along the crumbling path. Instinctually, she began to walk towards the light.

“What’s this?”
No. 1084142 ID: 1effd3
File 170863063133.png - (139.06KB , 1200x1000 , 022124_FromNothing3.png )

The faint light was coming from a staff nearly twice her height. It looked worn and bleached, one of the only things of white in this endless black, surrounded by bleached bricks and ornate stonework.

“It’s… ok to take this… right?”
No. 1084143 ID: 1effd3
File 170863068723.png - (241.50KB , 1200x1000 , 022124_FromNothing4.png )

No. 1084144 ID: 1effd3
File 170863085964.png - (495.63KB , 1200x1000 , 022124_FromNothing5.png )

No. 1084145 ID: 660f7a

Give me a son
No. 1084146 ID: d840d1

Yes, hi, hello. Someone ordered an otherworldly consciousness?
No. 1084147 ID: 7c0da2

I like this place, my will is to see more of it.
No. 1084148 ID: d9de31

I want to see some people.
No. 1084149 ID: 83f7d2

Ask the light how many wishes you get.
No. 1084152 ID: 19bd49

No. 1084156 ID: 6a4d6d

Ask for more light in this endless darkness
No. 1084158 ID: 0ec851

To seek truth.
No. 1084165 ID: a7a180

No. 1084175 ID: aebb38

also a cheeseburger pls we hungy
No. 1084180 ID: e139aa

No. 1084190 ID: 184595

No. 1084191 ID: a40f53

Reclaim your name
No. 1084203 ID: 2f41db

"Where am I?"
"What are you?"

Good starts little one.
Small step to begin a journey.
No. 1084216 ID: 2aa5f0

No. 1084226 ID: 841200

I demand knowledge and understanding
No. 1084315 ID: 1effd3
File 170872949877.png - (246.18KB , 900x750 , 022324_FromNothing6.png )

>Yes, hi, hello. Someone ordered an otherworldly consciousness?

“AH! Y-you speak??”

>Reclaim your name.

“My name? It’s… I think… Silv? Or is it Mithra? They both feel correct to me…”

>"Where am I?", "What are you?"
Good starts little one. Small step to begin a journey.

“I… I don’t know where we are. I’m… uhh…”

>Give me a son

“Sorry, I’m confused?”

>Feed us pineapples/cheese burgers/corndogs!

“Are those food? I’m actually kind of hungry…”
No. 1084316 ID: 1effd3
File 170872953370.png - (148.15KB , 900x750 , 022324_FromNothing7.png )

>I like this place, my will is to see more of it.
>I want to see some people.
>To seek truth
>Ask for more light in this endless darkness

“More light would be nice. Could you make some…? Please?”
No. 1084317 ID: 1effd3
File 170872955890.png - (182.08KB , 900x750 , 022324_FromNothing8.png )

Silv holds the staff above her head as the light from it steadily gets brighter. As it brightens, you can better see your immediate surroundings. There's a few ruined walls, crumbling bits of furniture, scraps of fabric, grass, and… a black thing chewing on something. Oh, and a great deal of infinite nothingness around you.

“Oh, that’s much better! There’s… not much around here.”

>I demand knowledge and understanding

“I agree. I don’t really know who I am besides my name, and I don’t know anything about you either…”

“Do you have a name? And what should we investigate first?”
No. 1084318 ID: a7a180

Black thing. Participate in the food chain.
No. 1084319 ID: 19bd49

Eye of Infinite Psyche

Check out that black thingy over there.
No. 1084320 ID: 443b73

We are Bob
No. 1084321 ID: 184595

There is no name for us; we are legion, with many names, and no name.

Go to black thing.
No. 1084323 ID: 2f41db

To the black thing but cautiously.
Dont want to be the next thing it decides to chew on eh?

Oh and, yeah.
No idea what we are, but bob is as good a name as any
No. 1084324 ID: 5b2941

You're not sure of your own name? Curious. Well, your (metaphysical?) nametag says Silv, so I suppose that's what I'll call you. An interesting thing about "Mithra" is that it's a name associated with a deity. Are you in any way divine?

Oh, asking a name of us is an exercise in futility. "Voices" or "Eye" will do.
No. 1084325 ID: 273c18

We are The Eye That Sees Infinity. Tetsi for short.

That black thing is an anomaly. Approach with caution.
No. 1084327 ID: 8f9bc4

The ground stops for no reason. It was obviously cut out from around here. How can you get back the rest of the ground? That might be where the food is.

Be wary of the black thing.
No. 1084330 ID: af7615

D'aww, she's cute.

And yeah, I guess approach the black thing? New frend get? Fingers crossed?
No. 1084331 ID: eb0a9c

Say hello to what remains when a world dies. Congratulations on surviving the final chapters of the apocalypse.

Now investigate the shadowy bug-thing in front of you.
No. 1084340 ID: aebb38

We are legion, bob, tetsi, I, Eye of Infinite Psyche, etc. We have no name. We have all names We wan't to see the black thing. We want to bash the black thing. We don't know what is the black thing. Is the black thing a son? Is it food? We are curious, hungry, happy, sad. We want food. We want a son. We want ourselves and you. We are everything and nothing. We must go. We must make the nothing into something. Let's spread the light into this nothing. Let's go to the black thing. Let's start our journey.
No. 1084358 ID: 2aa5f0

>My name? It’s… I think… Silv? Or is it Mithra? They both feel correct to me…
Greetings Silv Mithra, I notice you're left handed, I also notice that the path to your right there is something laying next to the ruble there.
No. 1084359 ID: 6a4d6d

We are so many, different voices, different wits, different wills, one body. Call us how you like it more, little one.

We should go to check that little creature right there, perhaps know more than us, perhaps know less than us, or perhaps is an enemy, so be cautious.
No. 1084433 ID: 0ec851

Tetsi's good. Though trust me, infinity's not all it's chocked up to be.
No. 1084443 ID: 1effd3
File 170881326405.png - (217.34KB , 900x750 , 022424_FromNothing9.png )

>Eye of Infinite Psyche
>The Eye That Sees Infinity. Tetsi for short.
>Asking a name of us is an exercise in futility. "Voices" or "Eye" will do.
>We are so many, different voices, different wits, different wills, one body. Call us how you like it more, little one.

“I suppose I’ll call you ‘The Eye’ for now.”

>You're not sure of your own name? Curious. Well, your (metaphysical?) name tag says Silv, so I suppose that's what I'll call you. An interesting thing about "Mithra'' is that it's a name associated with a deity. Are you in any way divine?
>say hello to what remains when a world dies. Congratulations on surviving the final chapters of the apocalypse.

“When a world dies?? Is that why I don’t remember anything? Also I don’t feel particularly divine…”

>That black thing is an anomaly.
>Cautiously investigate the black thing.

“Everything is kind of black around here though…”

Silv slowly approaches the back of the pile of debris that the creature is currently by. It looks like a weird kind of slug? It doesn’t seem to react to her, and appears to be eating… a rock? Just… a rock?

”I’m pretty sure rocks aren’t edible… Ugh, I just remembered that I’m hungry.”

”It doesn’t look too dangerous… I need something to eat, but I don’t know if that thing is edible–”
No. 1084444 ID: 1effd3
File 170881330607.png - (253.95KB , 900x750 , 022424_FromNothing10.png )

No. 1084445 ID: 1effd3
File 170881332325.png - (134.90KB , 900x750 , 022424_FromNothing11FlareRune.png )

The creature expels something from its back, faintly glowing and floating along gently. It’s shape strange, but not entirely abstract.

“...Should I pick it up?”
No. 1084446 ID: 273c18

Take the glowy thing.
No. 1084447 ID: 5b2941

sure, when has picking up strange glowing things ever gone wrong for us?
No. 1084449 ID: 5ebd37

Ah yes, a pictograph. This one means you should do a headstand.

And yes pick it up, not like we've got a much else going on.
No. 1084450 ID: 6a4d6d

Pick it up, but be cautious
No. 1084451 ID: 19bd49

Either it's trying to communicate, or it's converting stones into... some sort of a product, because this isn't what poop normally looks like.
No. 1084453 ID: 7c0da2

Why not ? We like kinda abstract shapes. Don't you ?
Also, poke the creature with us. Using the non-eye end, please.
No. 1084456 ID: 184595

Do not take the sigil! It is for us. Touch us to the sigil, and let us claim our right to it.
No. 1084457 ID: 2f41db

Itnlooks like an attempt at communication.
Respond in kind.

I guess you could talk, but it may only recognise gaseous emissions as language.
No. 1084460 ID: aebb38

We imagine an alphabet greater than all the languages in the nothing of the world. But it is empty, we must put the letters in it. Is this a letter? The only way to know is to interact with it.
No. 1084464 ID: eb0a9c

Use us to take the glowy thing.
No. 1084492 ID: 0ec851

Stick us in it. Glowing runes are my favorite food.
No. 1084541 ID: 1effd3
File 170891843760.png - (279.59KB , 900x750 , 022524_FromNothing12_pick_it_up.png )

>Pick up the glowing thing.
>Interact with it.
>Caution, use us to touch it.

Silv extends The Eye over the creature, careful not to disturb it. The Eye touches the strange object and… nothing happens. It just floats off a little bit.

“I guess it’s safe to touch it?” ,Silv says as she reaches for it.

“It’s… pleasantly warm.”
No. 1084542 ID: 1effd3
File 170891846912.png - (237.14KB , 900x750 , 022524_FromNothing13_noms.png )

>Glowing runes are my favorite food.

Silv’s stomach growls.


No. 1084543 ID: 1effd3
File 170891849944.png - (203.46KB , 900x750 , 022524_FromNothing14_runepoisoning.png )

Silv coughs violently!

“Why did I think that was a good idea?!”

Silv gained the ability to learn and use runes!
Silv learned the Flare Rune!

As Silv introspects and regrets her decisions, you feel something has changed about you.

— — —

Name: Silv Mithra:


Class Archetype: Spellcaster
Class: None


Skitter: Increased speed for movement and actions.
Runelearner: Can learn the fundamentals of the universe, runes.

Spells: Flare

Special Equipment: The Eye

Name: The Eye/Tetsi

Class: Artifact


Illuminate: Lights up the area around the Eye.
Weak Identify(shared): Can be used to identify creatures and objects.
Weak Dowsing: Locates the closest ‘target’ to self, guides in a direction. Can also place markers on objects and locations to find them again. Limit 1 marker.
No. 1084544 ID: 5b2941

Hmm. So what does this Weak Dowsing thing target? Activate it.
No. 1084547 ID: 2f41db

Until recently it was inside another living creature.
Id expect some warmth to...
It was a flare rune.
That explains it.

Try to Parp out some thankyou gasses to our new best friend with the weird language.
Im convinced this is how they talk.
No. 1084554 ID: 273c18

Alright let's Identify the dark sludge creature.
No. 1084560 ID: 8f9bc4

Hey! Now what are we gonna eat?!

> Name: Silv Mithra:

> Race:???

Anyway, cast Identify on yourself.
No. 1084578 ID: 184595

It is us that commands the power of identification. And you, Silv Mithra, are identified to us as Runelearner and Skitterer; as one charged with heeding our word.

Let this slug will now be identified to us, as well. Our dowsing immediately drew us to its power, the source of runes, we will hereby mark it, that we might return to it and add to your powers of creation in the future.

Silv Runelearner, you are to summon a flare, to cast further light into the void. Let us see the vastness of its expanse!
No. 1084579 ID: eb0a9c

Let's place a marker right where we were. For all we know, it could be the gate to get us out of this cluster.

Time to [scan everything].
No. 1084583 ID: 37587f

We are gonna keep the cute slug that creates runes and we are going to name it "Scrunkly", for he shall be adopted as our son. This is not negotiable. Also, Silv, sweetie, next time you eat something, please don't eat slug rune poop, its bad for your heatlh.
No. 1084584 ID: 2aa5f0

identify the black thing
No. 1084592 ID: 7c0da2

You must be really hungry to try and eat that. It came out of a weird bug thing. Well, you look like a bug thing too, so maybe it's normal for you? What do you usually eat?

As for us, we should mark our current location, so that we may find our way back to it if need be.
No. 1084758 ID: 1effd3
File 170908984692.png - (129.25KB , 900x750 , 022524_FromNothing15_Pokedex_Moment.png )

>You must be really hungry to try and eat that. It came out of a weird bug thing. Well, you look like a bug thing too, so maybe it's normal for you? What do you usually eat?

“I don’t know, I was following your lead!”

>Anyway, cast Identify on yourself.

Silv seems to have already triggered Weak Identify with her earlier introspection.

>Identify the creature
>We are gonna keep the cute slug

“I guess we can keep it? It’s not like there's anywhere it could go.”
After a few more coughs, Silv picks herself up and casts Weak Identify on the strange creature, still eating some rocks.


“Weak Identity is, well, weak. I guess I got more info before because it targeted myself…?”
Silv tries to identify everything she can on her small island, to much similar results, however, it doesn’t work on the stonework circle.

Rock, dirt, grass.

“We didn’t learn much about anything, huh Tetsi?”
No. 1084759 ID: 1effd3
File 170908987576.png - (206.50KB , 900x750 , 022524_FromNothing16_MagicalCompass.png )

>Summon a flare, to cast further light into the void. Let us see the vastness of its expanse!
Silv creates a mote of fire, and throws it into the void. It floats for a bit before dissipating.
“The expanse is indeed vast.”

>Use Weak Dowsing
>Leave a marker on the circle.

“Dowsing, locate, uhh… food?”
[i]Upon activating the spell, several glowing arrows begin to rotate around SIlv and The Eye in multiple directions. Several point at the nearby weeds and grass and quickly vanish, while others quickly fizzle out without any target. Only one arrow remains, slowly moving to a stop, pointing somewhere into the void.

No. 1084760 ID: 1effd3
File 170908989958.png - (210.04KB , 900x750 , 022524_FromNothing17_FallenDown.png )

Silv walks up to the edge of her island and looks down into the vast nothingness, and back to where dowsing pointed.
“...Tetsi if you have an idea, I’d love to hear it-”


The edge of the island crumbles from the additional weight of the Voidling that crawled up behind her, and she begins to fall.
No. 1084761 ID: 1effd3
File 170908991421.png - (178.33KB , 900x750 , 022524_FromNothing18_Hanging_In_There.png )

Silv screams and closes her eyes, tightly hugging The Eye as she falls.

She stays like this for a while, until something latches onto her tail. Slowly opening her eyes, she sees she’s only fallen a few feet away from the island, and that the Voidling from before stuck itself to her tail.

“We’re… not dead? We’re not dead!”,she says as she starts flailing around, trying to reach the island.
After some really bad swimming movements, she manages to reach the island again, Voidling still stuck to her tail.

“OK, not going to die by falling… still really, really dark though. Are we really going to follow Dowsing?”

Silv’s stomach growls.
No. 1084762 ID: 273c18

Hmm. Well, you can try picking up those other things Dowsing pointed at. Grass and stones. See if either of those are edible for you. Keeping some stones on you could be useful for maneuvering in the void as well. Throw a stone and you'll be propelled in the other direction.

Since we can float, you could take a running jump to launch yourself into the void in the direction of the main Dowsing signal.
No. 1084770 ID: 5ebd37

Before leaving, can you crawl under the island to check if there's anything there? Get a feel for how this gravity works while solid ground is still here.
No. 1084779 ID: 5b2941

Oooh, old school Spelljammer gravity? I dig it
No. 1084795 ID: 2f41db

Youve got a pet now silv.
Lil' buddy for life.
Plus he might emit more runes which is a cool trick.
I think you should call him "pooty"

Seconding this.
For all we know there could be another surface if gravity shifts beneath.

Im suspecting we may have to adapt to unconventional three dimensional thinking in this void.
No. 1084806 ID: 2aa5f0

>Are we really going to follow Dowsing?”
you're still hungry aren't you?

Also I think I might have figured out what you are. You have a magical item that grants you powers, a cute mascot like creature following you around... you might just be a magic girl.
No. 1084823 ID: 184595

The slug proves its value as a companion not only for its ability to bestow upon you runes, but its loyalty and steadfastness. We owe it nothing less in return.

If this ruined splinter of land truly contains no sustenance suitable for you, then we must strike out into the void. I trust you to be able to tell if the plants that yet cling to this clod are digestible to you; if they are not, then we must explore. The dowsing may provide a way to navigate in the empty vastness when our other senses fail; should it come to such exploration, trust in your powers, and cast off.
No. 1084827 ID: 7c0da2

Follow the dowsing, it's the only direction we got at the moment. But before we go, take some rocks with you. It's what our new pet eats, apparently.
No. 1084833 ID: 8f9bc4

We're the only light, so everything you see that is dark will stop being dark, once you bring us there. It might take a while. Maybe if you got a running start you could keep up the momentum?
No. 1085015 ID: 1effd3
File 170933700262.png - (173.77KB , 900x750 , 022924_FromNothing19.png )

>Food and Dowsing
>Check under island
>Investigate Gravity

“Guess we are…”
Silv pulls the voidling off her tail, and slowly crawls off the island's edge. She learns that there’s nothing under the island,gravity stays aligned to the island's surface, and that she is really bad at swimming. After she crawls back on the island, she uses Dowsing again to place a marker, figure out her heading again.

>Name the Voiding Pooty
“We are not naming it Pooty. We can name it when we get back,” Silv says, dragging the Voidling onto the pile of rocks that it was eating previously.”I don’t know if you understand me, but stay here until me and Tetsi get back ok?”
The voidling returns to peacefully eating rocks.
No. 1085016 ID: 1effd3
File 170933701575.png - (69.75KB , 900x750 , 022924_FromNothing20_Just_Keep_Swimming.png )

“Ok, I can do this. I can do this… Ready Tetsi? Here we go!”
Silv goes to the furthest end of her island, and starts running towards her Dowsing target, obscured by the Void. She leaps into the unknown, screaming as she does so.

>I think I might have figured out what you are. A Magical Girl!
“I am a girl, and I know a spell, so I guess so?” Silv replies, flailing about the darkness around her, following her glowing arrow.
No. 1085017 ID: 1effd3
File 170933703574.png - (475.42KB , 900x750 , 030124_FromNothing21.png )

After a few minutes of swimming badly in the Void, Silv reaches another island. It’s bigger than the one she started on, but this one has strange architecture and is hazy. Dowsing stops working once she gets on the island, so she’ll have to look around the hard way.

“Where should we look first?”
-Metal Boxes
-Strange Vehicles
No. 1085018 ID: a7a180

>Metal boxes
No. 1085019 ID: 273c18

Look in the boxes.
No. 1085020 ID: 8280e8

Let's go check out the metal boxes. They look like we call "dumpsters". Could always be some usable stuff in them.
No. 1085022 ID: 184595

If my assessment is correct, a myriapoda like yourself should find much sustenance in the box. It may require a bit of digging, but I trust that you will find something comestible within.

And failing that, you may make interesting discoveries that illustrate the nature of the place you're exploring.
No. 1085025 ID: 2f41db

Tell pooty to be a good boy and mama silv will bring him back a nice rock to eat.
No. 1085026 ID: 2f41db

I agree with the others.
Highest chance for food is in the boxes.
May not be pleasant but better than nothing.
No. 1085027 ID: 5b2941

Silverfish aren't myriapods, tho, they're hexapods.
No. 1085030 ID: 5ebd37

Make a quick check if the vehicles are unlocked, before you search the metal boxes.
This might be a good time to throw something back towards the home island to see if we'll need to transport anything we find by hand.
No. 1085031 ID: 2aa5f0

boxes are meant to hold things so probably start there.
No. 1085059 ID: eb0a9c

It's a bizarre version of our world. Why are all the wheels sawed in half? W-
... Damnit. Noting else is significantly different. The rest looks like a typical day in the city. And what lurked in the night drove us insane.
No. 1085061 ID: 8f9bc4

Huh. Galvanized steel fences? And is that real glass in those two structures before you? Vehicles? How would they move?
No. 1085062 ID: 5b2941

I don't think they have wheels. I think we're seeing the wheel wells.
No. 1085220 ID: 1effd3
File 170949518247.png - (514.25KB , 900x750 , 030324_FromNothing22_DumpsterDiving.png )

>Metal Boxes
>Check the boxes
>Boxes usually have food.
Avoiding the cracks in the road proves tricky with the local haze, with Silv almost tripping several times. The smaller box is sealed up pretty tight, and SIlv is unable to open it. It is quite heavy as she pushes it next to the larger box, and climbs up to open the larger one. Inside is a bunch of garbage, a voidling, and a new type of rune?

Tremor Rune obtained! Silv learned Tremor!

“I’d rather not eat garbage if I can avoid it… I’ll do it if I can’t find anything else, because I also don’t want to eat a rune again.”
No. 1085221 ID: 1effd3
File 170949519690.png - (152.19KB , 900x750 , 030324_FromNothing23_Realization.png )

>This might be a good time to throw something back towards the home island to see if we'll need to transport anything we find by hand.

“Ah… I don’t have a bag.”
”This stuff is too heavy for me to lift… and my free hand has this rune… what should I do?”
-Look for bag
-Try new spell
-Something else?
No. 1085222 ID: a7a180

Use Tremor on one of the cars.
No. 1085227 ID: a94f5d

Listen, eating the rune is the best way to keep it safe, who can steal if from you if it's in your stomach?
No. 1085258 ID: 273c18

Well, it's fine if we just leave things lying around. Use the world as our backpack... until we find a bag.

Let's check the cars now. Uh, the vehicles.
No. 1085261 ID: 56db77

Try absorbing the rune, maybe there are ways other than eating it?
No. 1085265 ID: 7c0da2

You mean you need to hold he runes to cast the associated spell? That can't be right, when we used identify on you it said you can learn them. In fact, we are pretty sure you learned Tremor already, we could see it happen. Just drop the rune and try to use your new spell on the locked box.
And if it doesn't work, well, we are sorry but you may need to eat this rune too.
No. 1085270 ID: 2f41db


So, those weird carriages. The original riders may have left anything.
Bags, food anything.
Could be a myriad of supplies in there for you silv.
No. 1085272 ID: 8f9bc4

Feed us the rune! We're hungry too!
No. 1085327 ID: 5ebd37

>Look for bag
There's a fair chance of a bag in one of those vehicles.

Try pressing the rune to our eye. Or just tuck it into your hair for safekeeping.
No. 1085377 ID: 184595

You still lack sustenance, Runelearner. Employ your dowsing ability once more to locate food; you should be much closer than before.
No. 1085590 ID: 1effd3
File 170975914012.png - (329.20KB , 900x750 , 030624_FromNothing24_Learned_HM_Strength.png )

>Feed us the rune!
>Try absorbing the rune.
“We tried giving you the rune already. If you didn't absorb it, I don't think I can, except by eating it.”

>Tuck it into your hair for safekeeping.
“I suppose I could do that,” Silv says, putting the Tremor rune under her hat.

>Use Tremor.
>You mean you need to hold the runes to cast the associated spell? That can't be right, when we used identify on you it said you can learn them. In fact, we are pretty sure you learned Tremor already, we could see it happen. Just drop the rune and try to use your new spell on the locked box.
“I don’t need the rune to cast the spell. I think I just need to obtain the rune to learn the spell. I’m not sure what else I can use the rune itself for… besides a terrible snack.”
Silv casts Tremor on the locked box, and it begins to rise! Well actually, the chunk of rock UNDER the locked box begins to rise.
“We can lift rocks now! Let’s see if I can bash this box open…”
After several rock assaults on the top of the box, Silv managed to open it enough for her to look inside. Inside is an assortment of junk, but the most important thing is a few bags of food!
No. 1085592 ID: 1effd3
File 170975921605.png - (282.62KB , 900x750 , 030624_FromNothing25_NOMNOMNOM.png )

>You still lack sustenance, Runelearner. Employ your dowsing ability once more to locate food; you should be much closer than before.
”I think weak dowsing only gives a general area since it stopped working when we got here.”
No. 1085593 ID: 1effd3
File 170975923264.png - (481.83KB , 900x750 , 030624_FromNothing26_SilvUsedRockSmash.png )

>Let's check the cars now. Uh, the vehicles.
>Use Tremor on one of the cars.
>There's a fair chance of a bag in one of those vehicles.

Silv tries to open the vehicles to no avail, so she starts bashing them with rocks using Tremor. After a while, she manages to break in, get some bottles of water, additional food, and a very worn bag.

“I should be able to move the metal box with Tremor, and bring it back with me. Is there anything else around here I should take–”
No. 1085594 ID: 1effd3
File 170975924650.png - (293.27KB , 900x750 , 030624_FromNothing27_YOU_CAN_SEE IT_CANT_YOU.png )

Something is off.

No. 1085595 ID: 86e259

Unsure. I'm leaning slightly towards leaving, acquiring more spells, then coming back to investigate once we can cast e.g. Disintegrate or Time Stop, haha

We could...hide in a car and observe? Might backfire.
No. 1085596 ID: 273c18

The light went out? Or, does it just not reach anymore... Is the thing above us? Our eye is looking up.
Anyway, we should leave right now. Shove what you found in your bag and skedaddle. We are not equipped to fight existential threats.
No. 1085598 ID: 7c0da2

Well, bashing things with chunks of rock makes a lot of noise. Maybe it attracted more voidslugs ?
Try levitating on a piece of rock with tremor to look around from above. Be careful not to fall.
No. 1085601 ID: 5b2941

No. 1085602 ID: 184595

Cowardice is unbecoming. There is no call for fear; let the promise of knowledge calm your nerves, and identify what is off and why.
No. 1085608 ID: 2aa5f0

well you did find the food you came here to find, and you got a voidling back home waiting for you so might as well take off.
No. 1085623 ID: a7a180

Dowse for trouble.
No. 1085628 ID: 2f41db


Maybe the noise drew sonethings attention.

Time for caution silv.

Leaving isnt necessarily the safest choice.
You will be exposed and vulnerable when drifting back to home rock.

Before you do that, you need to be sure whatever is making your antennae itch isnt something more adapted to the void than you.
Otherwise itd be like trying to escape a shark by choosing to swim.

If it looks like it wont be able to do anything to you while leaving, can reconsider then.
No. 1085654 ID: 5ebd37

And make it double! I mean, uh, dowse for... hmm what would be most likely to constitute a danger? Try dowsing for minds.
No. 1085660 ID: a94f5d

So how do you feel about rocks for breakfast? Boulder-sized ones.
No. 1085684 ID: 53560f

Watch the stars, you might be about to get grabbed. Otherwise, if you aren’t in immediate danger you should stay quiet and listen before moving somewhere else.
No. 1085707 ID: 8f9bc4

Yes investigate the ground, investigate any changes in light, any strange sounds... start by investigating the inside of the vehicle you busted open as a potential hiding spot.
No. 1085950 ID: 1effd3
File 171003637354.png - (103.36KB , 900x750 , 030924_FromNothing28_.png )

Silv crawls into one of the vehicles, trying her best not to make a sound. Looking up, all she sees is void and the occasional speck of light.

Some of the specks are moving, and something is moving in front of the void. Something big. Silv dares not breathe.

>Cowardice is unbecoming. There is no call for fear; let the promise of knowledge calm your nerves, and identify what is off and why.
”I think fear is perfectly acceptable right now, but I’ll try.”
”...Identify.”Silv whispers, looking up at the void.


No. 1085951 ID: 1effd3
File 171003639785.png - (305.52KB , 900x750 , 030924_FromNothing29_Clawmachine.png )

>Try dowsing for minds.
>Dowse for trouble.
”I don’t think dowsing can do any of that, and I’d rather get out of here!”

>Investigate the ground, investigate any changes in light, any strange sounds...
Silv strains her eyes trying to see the “voidling” above her, but only seeing the darkness of its form blocking the void, barely making out what appear to be arms, lazily reaching outwards. It’s hard to tell, but it looks to be grabbing large chunks of debris…
...and it just grabbed the dumpster.
No. 1085952 ID: 1effd3
File 171003642057.png - (161.36KB , 900x750 , 030924_FromNothing30.png )

Silv dashes towards the edge of the island in an instant, while the dumpster slowly ascends into the darkness. She leaps into the void, and keeps going.
No. 1085954 ID: 1effd3
File 171003652407.png - (207.19KB , 599x750 , 030924_FromNothing31_Naptime.png )

It feels like an eternity, but she finally returns to her island. Exhausted, Silv lays down next to the crumbling wall. The voidling from before is still here, and moves up next to her.
“Oh, you’re still here? You’re much less scary than that other voidling. I did say we’d name you when we got back… Tetsi, can you keep watch while thinking up some names…? I kinda like… Voidy…” yawns Silv, as her exhaustion takes her.[/i]

No. 1085956 ID: cb6417

Bugsy. As for why I picked that name (looks at Silv)... no idea really.
No. 1085960 ID: 37587f

He's our son! :D Let's call him Son.
No. 1085962 ID: 5ebd37

No. 1085964 ID: a3a6e9

Hmm. Do we want an on-the-nose name, equivalent to "spot" or "puddles"? We could go with "Onyx", "Poots", or "Licorice".

If not, dunno, roll the dice; "Sammy", "Miss Sprinkles", "Mr Gobgob", "The Snark", "Jim"....
No. 1085965 ID: a3a6e9

Also. This suggests an ecosystem (try to avoid being on the business end of it) - if dumpsters are being eaten on the regular, that suggests dumpsters are coming from somewhere, on the regular. I guess keep your eyes peeled for it.
No. 1085966 ID: 273c18

(I opened this up in an image editor and messed with the levels, you can indeed see the thing.)

Oh it's a... let's call it a Behemoth Voidling. Not sure if that was actually dangerous... It looks like a... flat volcano. Smoking calderas on its back, multiple arms. Considering the voidlings so far have been eating inorganic matter it probably wouldn't have tried to eat you on purpose, but if it was eating the island then it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to stay there anyway.

>name the little voidling
No. 1085970 ID: 2f41db

It was the first noise he made when you met him.

I wonder what the extent of our abilities are?
Maybe we can cast our senses a little wider so we can warn our tired ward earlier if something does drift close?

Void behemoth is abgood name.
Fortunately it seems to be a grazer rather than a pursuit predator.
No less scary if one floats up on silvs honerock, but at least escapable.
No. 1086003 ID: 5b2941

Voidy? That'd be like calling you Si- oh. Sure, Voidy is fine.
No. 1086008 ID: 56db77

No. 1086032 ID: 184595

Not only from nothing, but to nothing, as well, it would seem. These creatures great and small seem to consume any remaining matter they can reach. Will the giant produce and equally giant rune?

As for our valiant companion, who provided the first rune to expand our powers, we owe a noble name. "Prometheus," I suggest, as it is this slug who brought us the gift of fire, and our first whiff of the empyrean magicks.
No. 1086042 ID: a7a180

Flarey. He did cough up the flare rune after all.
No. 1086217 ID: 1effd3
File 171027984434.png - (184.22KB , 900x750 , 031224_FromNothing32.png )

After a long and dreamless sleep, Silv wakes to a new day(?), Tetsi in hand. It was much nicer than when she first woke up!

“Good morning Tetsi. Did anything happen while I was asleep?” Silv asks.
>Behemoth Voidling. Not sure if that was actually dangerous... It looks like a... flat volcano. Smoking calderas on its back, multiple arms. Considering the voidlings so far have been eating inorganic matter it probably wouldn't have tried to eat you on purpose, but if it was eating the island then it probably wouldn't have been a good idea to stay there anyway.
>Void behemoth is a good name. Fortunately it seems to be a grazer rather than a pursuit predator.
“I suppose that is a good name for the… ‘Voidling’ from yesterday. Even if it wasn’t going to harm us, I really didn’t want to stay. Oh, what happened to the voidling we had? Did you guys come up with a name yet?”

>Names: Prometheus, Flan, Pooty, Pootis, Noid, Son, Bugsy, Voidy, Flarey
“Those are some good names. I think I like Flan the most, it’s better than my suggestion. So where is Flan?”
Silv looks around for Flan, which isn’t difficult when there’s only 1 wall on the island. The voidling seems to have produced a new rune!
No. 1086218 ID: 1effd3
File 171027986408.png - (244.83KB , 900x750 , 031224_FromNothing33.png )

Stream rune Obtained! Silv learned Stream.
Silv has gained a deeper understanding of Runes.

“Stream? Like water…?...Hey!” Silv checks her bag, Flan ate one of her water bottles! How rude! “Flan, you can’t eat my things!”
Flan feels different somehow.
No. 1086219 ID: 1effd3
File 171027988953.png - (293.11KB , 900x750 , 031224_FromNothing34_WhichPill.png )


— — —
Name: Flan

Race: Voidling
Natrualborn of the Void, they consume and recycle all that exists. Smaller voidlings can only eat matter that breaks down into the most basic of runes.

Breakdown:Voidlings consume any matter for sustenance, and convert it into runes. It is not a fast or efficient process.

”Did Identify get stronger? Or is it because Flan is my friend now?” Silv wonders.

Name: Silv Mithra:


Class Archetype: Spellcaster
Class: None


Runelearner: Can learn the fundamentals of the universe, runes.
Skitter: Increased speed for movement and actions.

Spells: Flare, Tremor, Stream

Updated Abilities:
Runelearner: Silv now has the ability to invert runes into their opposites, convert physical runes into other known runes, and combine runes into greater runes. There are more applications for runes.

“I can use runes for stuff? Before we figure out what to do next, should we try this out? We have a Tremor and a Stream rune at the moment.”
No. 1086221 ID: a7a180

Use Stream to create a waterfall to traverse the void on.
No. 1086222 ID: 273c18

I wonder if this means that behemoth voidling was producing complex runes? Maybe those are the "stars" we see in the sky!

>do stuff with runes?
Tremor is very useful and we don't know if it will be removed from our spell list if we use it for inversion or combination, so let's experiment with Stream. Invert it!
No. 1086230 ID: 5ebd37

Try out stream, aimed off the side of the island just in case its stronger then expected.
No. 1086232 ID: 7c0da2

Start by trying out Stream. We don't know what inversion would do to it, we don't want to lose it if it's good. Flare is a better candidate for inversion I think, it just makes fire, and there isn't much around to set fire to. And we shouldn't burn what little matter is still around anyway.
And try to feed food to Flan, to see what rune it turns into.
No. 1086235 ID: eb0a9c

Seems pretty straightforward; get your island self-sufficient and mobile, then scavenge the void for components and tamable voidlings to power your rune farm, which you can mass produce and experiment with to create stronger runes until you can create a new world.
No. 1086238 ID: 5ebd37

But we don't have the flare rune anymore, unless... uh Silv did you swallow that whole?
No. 1086241 ID: 5b2941

>convert physical runes into other known runes
we should be able to turn any rune into Flare
No. 1086244 ID: 273c18

Oh, I guess we could try to "retrieve" the Flare rune. Except, Silv just ate. Better to do it when her stomach is empty.
No. 1086247 ID: 8f9bc4

Don't worry I'm sure we'll get Flare rune back in due time. ;) ;)

Wait is Flare the opposite of Stream? Tremor is incredibly useful I don't want to mess it up by inverting it. If you combine Tremor and Stream I suppose you'll get... ...mud?
No. 1086249 ID: 5b2941

I mean, generally "opposite" is a bidirectional quality so if we invert Tremor into anything else, we should be able to get Tremor back by inverting it again, right?
No. 1086254 ID: 031458

...You slept for a while. That big voidling is probably gone now...

Go back to where that strange island you visited was. There could be a really good rune there now!
No. 1086275 ID: 2f41db

Class: none.

I resent that.
Silv is classy.
She didnt eat out of a dumpster when given the chance AND didn't name her new buddy flan after an amusing fart noise.

Inverted runes?
Well, inverting flow would dry or dessecate if it produces water normally but perhaps I'm being too literal.
Tremor moves rocks after all, not so much shaking them apart.
Seeing an inverted rune may give us more understanding on how these work so, I say breakfast followed immediately by experiments.
No. 1086354 ID: 2f41db

It just occurred to me, the flow i was speaking of was stream.

Distracted by thoughts of the kind of runes a void behemoth could be building
Apologies silv.

I still say experiment time is on the cards.
A single usage rightly aligned then a single use inverted.
The latter more cautiously though.

Inverted flare my bring darkness, but it may also bring cold. Flare implies energy, light, life and heat.

Inverted stream may dessicate and dry, but it could also solidify things.
Stream implies flowing motion, liquid like. Its inverted form may suspend motion.

Tremor was used to move a rock. In one sense it moved a part of an object away from its whole.
Inverted it could simply bring stasis, but it could potentially bring a sundered object back together. A repair.

The reason im hypothesising this way about the runes is this.
They may have literal, rudimentary uses, but the target of a rune may be as much of a component of the resulting effect as the rune itself.

There may be far more to them than simple but useful magics their literal implementation implies.
Interpretation and mastery may lead you to more nuanced and curious effects, rune wielder Silv.
No. 1086491 ID: 1effd3
File 171054630599.png - (119.63KB , 659x659 , 031524_FromNothing35.png )

>But we don't have the flare rune anymore, unless... uh Silv did you swallow that whole?
>Don't worry I'm sure we'll get Flare rune back in due time. ;)
“I don’t like your implications here.”
>>convert physical runes into other known runes
>we should be able to turn any rune into Flare
“I’m still able to use Flare without the physical rune. I think when I ate it, it gave me Runelearner?”
>That big voidling is probably gone now… Go back to where that strange island you visited was.
“Even if I wanted to, I have no idea how to get back there.”
No. 1086492 ID: 1effd3
File 171054633163.png - (260.90KB , 900x750 , 031524_FromNothing36_SilvUsedSplash.png )

>Start by trying out Stream.
>Use Stream to create a waterfall to traverse the void on.
Silv casts her new Stream spell, where it conjures a small stream of water. Not powerful, but could put out a fire.
“I guess I don’t have to worry about water any more, but that doesn’t excuse you for eating one of my bottles Flan!”
No. 1086493 ID: 1effd3
File 171054635551.png - (230.76KB , 900x750 , 031524_FromNothing37_Inverisons.png )

>Seeing an inverted rune may give us more understanding on how these work so, I say breakfast followed immediately by experiments.
After a small breakfast of potato chips for Silv, and some more rubble from around the island for Flan, Silv began experimenting. Inverting the Stream rune resulted in a Flare rune, and inverting the Tremor rune resulted in a new rune.

Breeze Rune obtained! Silv learned Breeze.
“Ok, so Tremor inverts into Breeze and back, and Stream inverts into Flare and back.”

Trying her new spell, it produces a small gust, rustling a little grass and dust.
“I just realized, I don’t think I’ve felt any wind since I first woke up. It feels nice.”
No. 1086494 ID: 1effd3
File 171054637596.png - (145.64KB , 900x750 , 031524_FromNothing38_PoutySilv.png )

>Seems pretty straightforward; get your island self-sufficient and mobile, then scavenge the void for components and tamable voidlings to power your rune farm, which you can mass produce and experiment with to create stronger runes until you can create a new world.

“That's great and all, but I have no idea how to do any of that. All I have is this rock, you and Flan, and these runes I don’t know how to use!” Silv pouts, throwing the runes across the island.
“It’s so barren here… a pond or something would be nice.”

Create pond?

No. 1086495 ID: 1effd3
File 171054641378.png - (163.54KB , 900x750 , 031524_FromNothing39_PondAcquired.png )

Suddenly, the Stream rune dissipates into the ether, its presence replaced by the emergence of a tranquil pond.

“...Did I do that?”
No. 1086496 ID: 8f9bc4


Something sure did!

More importantly, runes can create lands, and resources! You should collect more!

The only question I have is should you invert Tremor or not? Would it be better if your island expanded with Tremor or Breeze?

Too bad you didn't combine Tremor and Stream. I bet that would have made a lot more land than the two lesser runes.
No. 1086497 ID: 7c0da2

Interesting. Can you still use Stream without the rune ?
If you can, try using the Tremor rune in the same way to see if you can make more ground to expand your island.
No. 1086499 ID: 2aa5f0

CONGRATULATIONS! you can now create things to improve your island! Now quick, add blackjack an hookers to make sure your island is better then everyone else's by default.
No. 1086500 ID: 37587f

Hey Silv, now that you had a breath of fresh air, er, breath of fresh runes, do you now have any idea of what is going on? How did you get here? Wait, how did we get here? Who are we?
No. 1086501 ID: 273c18

Anything else you want? Go on, make a request.
No. 1086505 ID: 5ebd37

Having obtained the breeze spell the question is; can our island move, and how do we construct a sail? That behemoth might show up again, and we don't want to loose everything if it does.

So the pond showed up when you thought about it, but there was the option to refuse. Test this out with the tremor rune. Think about some earthy things, like hills or boulders, and see if the option appears but choose no. Can you turn Tremor into only one thing or are there endless possibilities?
No. 1086506 ID: 2f41db

Good work silv!

Okay, it looks like the runes here are fundamental elements.
Fire and water generation.
Earth and air manipulation.
Interaction with specific targets may tender varied results, but theyre excellent foundations.
It could be worth seeing if flare-stream allows you to manipulate existant matter of their domains and if tremor-breeze allows you to conjour earth and air into existance.

My reasoning behind this request is that
The runes may grant more than just a single spell,
it may be that they are the key which allows you to enforce your will upon that aspect of reality.
Some uses may be easier to achieve for certain aspects, like a natural use, but it could be capableof so much more albeit with grwater difficukty.

Oh! Silv, an idea!
Can you maybe use the breeze to help you control your floating a bit more when you travel the void?

And good work with that pond.
Looks real nice.
Make sure flan doesnt drink it all.
No. 1086650 ID: 184595

Tremor is now the only rune we possess. I think we should hold onto it for experimentation. After dowsing for more runes, I want to try combining some, and seeing what we can forge from the four elements. Or maybe there are more? An aether spell might be interesting in a world full of nothing.
No. 1086654 ID: eb0a9c

We're new to this, but we've seen similar things.

You're a Void Survivor. A kind of lesser god.
It'll take time to build a new world, but there's an infinite supply of detritus from dead worlds and torn realities floating into the void, ready to be consumed.

For now, you have a raft, and we are the build tool.

I suggest we protect the center. Looks like our powers work best on this conduit, and I don't know if we can make another one, so build all your defenses around this circle thing.
No. 1086676 ID: 1effd3
File 171078903991.png - (169.42KB , 900x750 , 031824_FromNothing40.png )

>Something sure did! More importantly, runes can create lands, and resources! You should collect more! Too bad you didn't combine Tremor and Stream. I bet that would have made a lot more land than the two lesser runes.
>If you can, try using the Tremor rune in the same way to see if you can make more ground to expand your island.
>So the pond showed up when you thought about it, but there was the option to refuse. Test this out with the tremor rune. Think about some earthy things, like hills or boulders, and see if the option appears but choose no. Can you turn Tremor into only one thing or are there endless possibilities?
“I’m willing to use my last rune to see if I can expand my island, but it means we won't be able to experiment until we get more, and we need multiple runes to attempt combining them to see what happens.”
Silv focuses on the Tremor rune in her hands. She only has the option to expand the platform by a very small amount. A single rune doesn’t seem very powerful.

>Tremor is now the only rune we possess. I think we should hold onto it for experimentation. After dowsing for more runes, I want to try combining some, and seeing what we can forge from the four elements. Or maybe there are more? An aether spell might be interesting in a world full of nothing.
“I can turn runes into other runes, remember? I also think it’s too vague of a target for Dowsing.”

>Having obtained the breeze spell the question is; can our island move, and how do we construct a sail? That behemoth might show up again, and we don't want to lose everything if it does.
>CONGRATULATIONS! you can now create things to improve your island! Now quick, add blackjack and hookers to make sure your island is better than everyone else's by default.
“I’m not sure how a sail would work, but we would need a sail first, and a bunch of other stuff.”
“I don’t know what blackjack is? And do you mean hookers like fishing hooks…?”
“Actually… if we could move, could we hook the smaller bits to our island?”
No. 1086677 ID: 1effd3
File 171078906409.png - (158.11KB , 900x750 , 031824_FromNothing41.png )

>We're new to this, but we've seen similar things. You're a Void Survivor. A kind of lesser god. It'll take time to build a new world, but there's an infinite supply of detritus from dead worlds and torn realities floating into the void, ready to be consumed. For now, you have a raft, and we are the build tool. I suggest we protect the center. Looks like our powers work best on this conduit, and I don't know if we can make another one, so build all your defenses around this circle thing.
“You mean the stones where I first found you? I still can’t identify it, but you might be right.”

“I’m going to use the rune to expand the island, but we need to figure out what to do next. We need more food, something to make a sail, and maybe some stuff to build with. Dowsing should help us find all of those. We’ll hopefully find some runes while exploring too!”

Options for Weak Dowsing:

Provide an Environmental keyword
No. 1086678 ID: 5b2941

>Options for Weak Dowsing
well, you already found food and you're wearing clothes, so the only one we don't have at all is wood I guess?

>Provide an Environmental keyword
No. 1086679 ID: 83f7d2

Attempt to perform equal amounts of mining but also crafting.

>Provide an Environmental keyword
No. 1086680 ID: eb0a9c

Start with food production. If you have an unlucky streak and go weeks without finding a food island, it's over.

Keyword: POTATO
No. 1086681 ID: 8f9bc4

You might be able to fashion a sail out of wood and cloth! But the food situation is pretty dire. Most importantly, you need more runes.

Searching for anything should lead you to voidlings, which could produce runes. I say dowse for food, and search for runes while getting the food. Then combine the runes, and destroy them to further expand the island, to create a farm, to grow more food.

Once the food situation is managed, you can work on installing solar sails.
No. 1086684 ID: 5b2941

...wait a second.

>Natrualborn of the Void, they consume and recycle all that exists. Smaller voidlings can only eat matter that breaks down into the most basic of runes.
Is there anything in Silv's snacks that could be considered basic? Something like "plant" or "meat"? we could just give some to Flan to get a rune.
No. 1086693 ID: 861ceb

I'm going to go with food in the hopes of adding a fruit tree or a small farm to the island in the hopes of making it self sufficient just incase we ever hit a rough patch were we can't find anything around us or are forced to stay on the island for whatever reason.
No. 1086695 ID: 273c18

Let's get some wood.
Keyword: Overgrown
No. 1086698 ID: 2f41db

I concur.

Wood and overgrown.

Theres a possibility of finding other things we havent considered in such an environment too.
No. 1086702 ID: 5ebd37

>hook the smaller bits to our island
Yesss, be a pirate!

Wood is all around useful, lets search for that as we have food for the moment.
Keyword: Fungal
No. 1086708 ID: a7a180

Dowse for wood.
No. 1086750 ID: af6d69

Good suggestion +1
No. 1086918 ID: 1effd3
File 171115704290.png - (389.61KB , 900x750 , 032224_FromNothing42_FoodHiding.png )

>Wood: 6
>Food: 3
>Fabric: 0
“Ok, wood it is.”

>Is there anything in Silv's snacks that could be considered basic? Something like "plant" or "meat"? we could just give some to Flan to get a rune.
“But I don’t have much food!”

Silv uses her remaining rune to expand the island by a small amount, capturing the nearby floating rocks in the process. It isn’t much, but it is noticeable!
“Ok Flan, you stay here and keep out of trouble while I’m gone.”
Silv empties her bag of food, hiding it under some larger stones to keep Flan from eating it. Activating her Dowsing, she heads towards the nearest source of wood in the darkness.
No. 1086919 ID: 1effd3
File 171115707194.png - (398.19KB , 900x750 , 032224_FromNothing43_TooManyShrooms.png )

Despite her poor void-movement skills, Silv gradually approaches her destination. Unlike her previous destination, she can see this one from a distance.

Giant glowing mushrooms dominate the distant landmass, to a point where several mushroom stalks have broken off around the island. Small patches of stone and rock pierce through the overgrowth, and a soft wind blows luminescent spores about. This place looks promising!
No. 1086920 ID: 1effd3
File 171115711705.png - (789.44KB , 900x750 , 032224_FromNothing44_ShroomTown.png )

Silv arrives at this new place, admiring the beauty all around her, vastly different from the last place she visited.
“This place is so pretty Tetsi. We should definitely bring some of these back to plant. I might be able to drag some of the smaller mushroom trunks back, but I’m not sure. For now, I want to look around. Where would you like to go?”
No. 1086921 ID: 861ceb

Identify the floating voidlings. Especially the glowing one in the back. Want to make sure he's doing ok before thinking of bringing back the mushrooms lease it make Flan sick.
No. 1086923 ID: 273c18

Oh hey, analyze those floating voidlings. Those look like smaller versions of the big one that ate the other island.

That's odd, why are there webs? Careful, there could be spiders about. Examine the webs too.
No. 1086924 ID: 83f7d2

Hello I would like to order one (1) mushroom.
No. 1086925 ID: 17374b

>“But I don’t have much food!”
and when you have a food rune you'll have infinite food, silly

if you can find any that are tender when young they may double as a food source
No. 1086933 ID: 2f41db

Theres a few voidlings.
One appears to be infested with fruiting glowshroom.

As to the shrooms:
Getting a small one would be good idea, but see if you can gather some spores.

Primary action would be first checking those new voidlings.
Make sure theyre friendly like flan.
No. 1086934 ID: 2f41db

Very good point.
Flan isnt just useful.
Hes become... precious to us.
Wouldnt want anything bad to happen to him silv.
No. 1086935 ID: 5ebd37

Identify the glowy voidling.
investigate the mushroom trees. How do they feel? Do they seem sturdy?
No. 1086940 ID: a94f5d

Y'know, if you ever feel like your battery's low, you can eat a glowing mushroom.. or so I've heard.
No. 1086943 ID: eb0a9c

Start off by collecting fallen mushroom branches. Prioritize anything that looks like it contains spores.
Head in, collect runes, and try to capture another voidling.
No. 1087191 ID: 1effd3
File 171148869109.png - (202.68KB , 900x750 , 032624_FromNothing45_ENHANCE.png )

>Identify Voidlings
>Identify Mushrooms and Webs
“Oh, that’s new!”

Floater Voidling
One of many variants of Voidling. Slow and weak, they pose little to no threat.

Glowing Mushrooms
Unknown species of mushroom. Can grow to be very large if they have enough nutrients. The spores are dangerous in high concentrations. The webbing is a similar type of fungus that clumps into a blanket-like mass.

“Seems like Identify is a little stronger than before. Didn’t tell me much about the mushrooms however. The floaters are kinda cute.” Silv says, patting one of the nearby Floaters.

>Start off by collecting fallen mushroom branches. Prioritize anything that looks like it contains spores. Head in, collect runes, and try to capture another voidling.
There isn’t much in terms of fallen branches, just a lot of normal size mushrooms covering the ground. Silv picks enough to fill her bag, she can make room later if she finds some runes.
No. 1087192 ID: 1effd3
File 171148871329.png - (465.66KB , 900x750 , 032624_FromNothing46_Ambush.png )

>Identify the glowing voiding
>One appears to be infested with fruiting glowshroom.
“Where? I don’t see one like that-”
As Silv looks around, an unnatural shadow passes over her. Looking up, she manages to stumble out of the way of a tendril trying to grab her!

Infected Voidling
A voidling that’s been exposed to high concentrations of spores, influencing its behavior to be more aggressive.

“I guess that’s what you were talking about Tetsi. Looks like the spores made it go crazy!”
The infected voidling lunges at Silv again, and she quickly dodges.
“W-what should we do Tetsi? I can outrun it, but it might come after us later!”

No. 1087193 ID: a7a180

Beat the spore stuffing out of it.
No. 1087194 ID: 5b2941

Mushrooms are weak against fire, right?
No. 1087196 ID: 5ebd37

Cast Flare! Dodge roll! These things don't seem to be that quick so keep your distance.
Your combat level is rather low, better to flee at this point. Though if the opportunity presents give it a wack with us to see how tough it is.
No. 1087197 ID: 273c18

Let's see how effective Flare is in a fight.
No. 1087198 ID: 8f9bc4

Cast FLARE! In a forest full of flammable mushrooms and spores! What could possibly go wrong?

But no seriously, RUN. It's not intelligent enough to hunt you, so get some distance from this mushroom forest, and then you can easily fight it, if it pursues.
No. 1087202 ID: 7c0da2

Fight it. This is a nice opportunity to see how effective your spells are in combat.
Those mushrooms could be flammable, so avoid Flare if you can. We will try Dowsing for weak points while you fight.
And please don't use us as a weapon unless you really need to.
No. 1087213 ID: 861ceb

hit it with your stick.
No. 1087214 ID: eb0a9c

Burn the forest around it, then see how the battle unfolds and run or press on from there.

This might be bad. The mushrooms are potentially your best food source (at least until you get potatoes, so OP), but if their spores can infest voidlings, it could destroy your entire base. Maybe grow them in a chamber and set the air on fire every time you transition to harvest?
No. 1087216 ID: 2f41db

That was too close silv.
Bat it away with us and get a little distance.

If the air is too spore heavy, open flame could bloom out of control.
Like a spark in a flourmill.
If flare is to be used, make sure youre safely distanced.
No. 1087226 ID: f2c52d

There doesn't seem to be a high concentration of spores in the air considering Silv isn't showing any ill effects. There probably *were* high concentrations judging by the infested voidling.

There's not enough spores in the air to explosively detonate, Silv has Stream to put out the fire, Flare should be safe-ish.

You should try every rune against that Voidling. Never know when you might need to kill one, and knowing which runes are most effective might save you.
No. 1087316 ID: 1effd3
File 171166110115.png - (413.51KB , 900x750 , 032824_FromNothing47_Battle!.png )

>Attack! This is a nice opportunity to see how effective your spells are in combat. Those mushrooms could be flammable, so avoid Flare if you can. We will try Dowsing for weak points while you fight.
>Cast Flare! Dodge roll! These things don't seem to be that quick so keep your distance.
>Cast FLARE! In a forest full of flammable mushrooms and spores! What could possibly go wrong?
>If the air is too spore heavy, an open flame could bloom out of control.
An area full of probably flammable stuff. Consensus: FIRE BAD IDEA.
”I didn’t think about Flare being a problem here. Breeze and Stream seem too weak to do anything. I think using Tremor and hitting it with you is my best option. Sorry in advance Tetsi!”
Silv uses Tremor to lift a chunk of stone, however, there is a problem. The thick mycelium is making it difficult to pull it free from the ground.
No. 1087317 ID: 1effd3
File 171166112943.png - (222.31KB , 900x750 , 032824_FromNothing48_Fall.png )

The infected voidling slowly approaches while Silv continues to struggle with lifting the rock. It’s about to strike her when-


Silv falls over backwards as the mycelium gives up its struggle. The stone, flying over her head, crashes down on top of the infected voidling, sending up a cloud of spores.

“T-that was too close…” Silv says, picking herself up and brushing the spores off, the pinned voidlings tendrils waving weakly.
“Next time, I’m using you to hit it. Tremor isn’t reliable with all the mushrooms covering the ground.”
[i]As Silv turns to leave, you notice the voidling start to…burn? You don’t know how to describe it. In its place is a couple of runes you know, and something else?
No. 1087318 ID: 1effd3
File 171166114606.png - (235.52KB , 900x750 , 032824_FromNothing49_Voidmatter.png )

Void given form. A fundamental of Nothing, yet Everything.

“Is this what Voidlings are made of? It makes sense I guess. Should we keep it?”
“Oh, and what should we do next? We can stick around and look for some loose runes, try to tame another voidling, or leave. If we stay, there's a chance we encounter more Infected Voidlings.”

-Taming Attempt
-Leave with loot+some wood
No. 1087320 ID: 8f9bc4

Well I'd like to flesh out your base, get some stronger combined runes, try to figure out better ways to defend yourself. I'm a stick, so it's your choice what to do. Recommend brief exploratory forays until you're a little more prepared.

So yes, explore more, try to tame voidlings, but return with your spoils soon. Wouldn't recommend fighting more.
No. 1087321 ID: 273c18

I don't think we have enough room at base for two voidlings. Let's look around for runes. You could use Tremor to drag that loose rock around so you can easily fight from now on!
No. 1087322 ID: eb0a9c

If I understand correctly, Void matter consists of everything that is fundamentally incomprehensible to all forms of real-space life. No mortal, no god, no insane eldritch entity within the crevices of deep space, can truly comprehend the 'mass' and 'matter' that forms life within the void - but they can observe that it is something; a black box, which takes inputs and spits outputs.

We comprehend the fact that this matter can be explained and understood. But we must also accept that we will never be the ones to do it, nor will anyone that isn't a form of Void life.

>What do
Tame one voidling, then bounce. Worry about breeding them later.
As for other enemies, prepare some rocks right now so you can cast spells more quickly.
No. 1087323 ID: 2f41db


First up, are you ok silv?
That must have been nerve wracking.

I say take whatever it is.
The void matter.
What wood and shrooms you already have should be enough to get a start on something.
Id say try to tame and take home one.
Not just as a friend for flan.
The more diverse forms of voidling you can study and understand, the better prepared youll be when you return here to gather more wood and supplies.

You may even be able to train one of these to fetch and carry light things.
No. 1087324 ID: 861ceb

did you grab the wood you wanted yet?
No. 1087340 ID: 5ebd37

Good job Silv!
Gather those runes to expand our island. Keep gathering wood for a bit, just keep an eye out and stay in open areas.
No. 1087356 ID: 7c1f1c

Retain this voidmatter, Runelearner. It may prove to be beneficial to the friend we've left back home. Seize these runes, as well--they will allow our domain to expand and prosper further.

Gather as much shroomwood as you can carry, and then return to our base of operations.
No. 1087391 ID: 7c0da2

Take everything but only go back to our island if you can't carry anything else. And keep the big rock around in case another infected voidling shows up.
No. 1087445 ID: 8f9bc4

I'm going to name the rock Peter. Peter's our friend.
No. 1087680 ID: 1effd3
File 171202284190.png - (219.08KB , 900x750 , 040124_FromNothing50_ShroomLogger.png )

>First up, are you ok silv?That must have been nerve wracking.
“I’m ok. I wasn’t ready for that, but it wasn’t nearly as scary as the behemoth.”

>did you grab the wood you wanted yet?
>Gather as much shroomwood as you can carry, and then return to our base of operations.
“I’m going to try to drag the big mushrooms that fell off the island using the stringy fungus stuff. I’m not sure how I’m going to cut the mushroom logs later though.”

>Retain this voidmatter, Runelearner. It may prove to be beneficial to the friend we've left back home. Seize these runes, as well--they will allow our domain to expand and prosper further. Gather as much shroomwood as you can carry, and then return to our base of operations.
>I say take whatever it is. The voidmatter. What wood and shrooms you already have should be enough to get a start on something. Id say try to tame and take home one. Not just as a friend for flan. The more diverse forms of voidling you can study and understand, the better prepared you'll be when you return here to gather more wood and supplies. You may even be able to train one of these to fetch and carry light things.
>Take everything but only go back to our island if you can't carry anything else. And keep the big rock around in case another infected voidling shows up.
>I'm going to name the rock Peter. Peter's our friend.

“You guys can never decide whether you want me to use you to hit things or not…”
Silv decides to look for some runes before trying to tame one of the floater voidlings around, dragging the big rock as she does so. After a little while, she manages to find another rune, however she encounters an infected slug type voidling. She easily dispatches it with the big rock where she gains another rune and some voidmatter. She removes some more mushrooms from her bag to make space for them, then decides to try to tame a voidling.

Silv doesn’t actually know how to tame voidlings, so she just tries to feed a floater some rocks and mushrooms while talking to it. Apparently, this is enough to work for Silv, because it begins to follow her around.
“Ok, it’s time to head back. We’ll give you a name when we get home, but we have to drag these mushroom logs with us first.”

[i]Using Tremor to move the rock around, Silv pulls a bunch of fungal vines down, and wraps them around some of the large mushrooms that fell off the island. She slowly drags them back home, with the floater in tow.
No. 1087681 ID: 1effd3
File 171202285758.png - (139.17KB , 900x750 , 040124_FromNothing51.png )

After an agonizingly slow trip dragging logs, Silv returns to her island with a bag full of stuff and a floater voidling. In total, you got:
x2 Voidmatter
x3 Giant Mushroom Logs
x20 Small Mushrooms
x1 Floater Voidling
x4 Runes

“Blek!” Flan seems to be happy you’re back! It doesn’t seem like he managed to get into your food stash, but you still need a proper way to store stuff. You give him a few pats and look around the island. Doesn’t appear like they’ve made any runes while you were gone.

“I think that went well! We got some stuff to build with, as well as some runes. I’d like to make some shelter, but I want to combine some of the runes we got. Remember, We can turn runes into other ones we already know!”
You know the following runes you can combine into more complex ones: Flare, Tremor, Stream, and Breeze.
You have 4 runes available.
No. 1087688 ID: 5b2941

>“You guys can never decide whether you want me to use you to hit things or not…”
look, we're probably an unbreakable artifact, but are you strong enough to do any damage like that?

>Doesn’t appear like they’ve made any runes while you were gone.
you'd probably have a food rune if you had let them eat some of your food instead of stashing it all

>You have 4 runes available.
uhhh... which ones? I guess if they were new you'd have told us, I suppose. Anyway, you have 4 known runes, so that's only 6 possible combinations. Assuming you can't combine opposites, that's only 4: b+f, b+s, f+t, s+t. I'm also assuming you can't combine two of the same rune, or you'd have another 4.
No. 1087693 ID: 5ebd37

Take the logs and make a lean-to over the wall corner. Its not much, but it'll be cozy and you can reuse the logs later.

Don't combine opposing runes until we understand the process a bit more they might explode
No. 1087694 ID: 273c18

We have four extra runes which means we can combine some to create two complex runes.
Tremor+Stream. Stream+Breeze. I want to see if we can make some plant and weather related runes.

Hmm, do you have any ability to cut up the shroomlogs into usable planks? Maybe you can break up some stone into sharp pieces to chop with, but what we really need is a saw.
No. 1087697 ID: 56db77

Try to combine Tremor and Stream
No. 1087699 ID: 8f9bc4

Remember you can swap any rune for its opposite, before combining!

I agree with trying out Tremor+Stream and Stream+Breeze. Those seem like the best runes to combine for base expansion purposes. Don't combine Flare+Tremor yet, until you have some way to safely contain molten magma.
No. 1087700 ID: 031458

Combine Stream and Breeze

Combine the resulting rune with breeze again.

Combine that resulting rune with breeze again!

I'm hoping for something like Rain -> Storm -> Gale
No. 1087710 ID: 2f41db


Thats a lot of material to work with.
Youve got more than the parts to build a shelter here, you have the foundations of a hone.
Well done silv.
You must be tired though.
Take a short rest and consider our collective musings.

>4: b+f, b+s, f+t, s+t. I'm also assuming you can't combine two of the same rune, or you'd have another 4.

I wonder...
Maybe combining the same rune is how you augment the power it can manifest?

Ive also been wondering what would happen if you fed a rune to a voidling.
Or the voidmattet.
I suspect that the latter would result in growth, either mentally, physically or both.

Unfortunately such experiments are best done at a time when we have a surplus.
Right now the runes are all too essential as tools to risk.

Perhaps silv should start by securing the shroom trees in place.
See if we can figure out how to get a roof over her head.
I know theres no weather to shelter from, but it cant feel all that comfortable sleeping under that yawning void.
So exposed...

Maybe some of the fungal strands could be woven together and suspended between the wall corners
Make a hammock.
A little comfort to help you rest all the better.
No. 1087821 ID: 7c0da2

> “You guys can never decide whether you want me to use you to hit things or not…”
You can do magic. Why would you use us to whack things when you can fry them with magic? Or bash them with a rock? Or mildly inconvenience them with a spray of water or a strong breeze in the face?
Speaking of which, I suggest combining two Flare runes together. Maybe it will create a Blaze or something like that. Or maybe Breeze and Flare, you should try that too. Don't forget to invert the result.
And be careful to point your spells away from the mushrooms when you try them.
No. 1087822 ID: 8f9bc4

W-we're delicate, OK?
No. 1088104 ID: 1effd3
File 171245060898.png - (187.97KB , 900x750 , 040624_FromNothing52_Tantrum.png )

>look, we're probably an unbreakable artifact, but are you strong enough to do any damage like that?
>You can do magic. Why would you use us to whack things when you can fry them with magic? Or bash them with a rock? Or mildly inconvenience them with a spray of water or a strong breeze in the face?
>W-we're delicate, OK?
“See, you can never agree on this! Also, rude, I can swing you fast enough to do some damage!” Silv complains, swinging Tetsi around wildly.
No. 1088105 ID: 1effd3
File 171245063086.png - (208.47KB , 900x750 , 040624_FromNothing53_Nature_Eldritch.png )

>Combine Stream and Breeze, Combine the resulting rune with breeze again. Combine that resulting rune with breeze again! I'm hoping for something like Rain -> Storm -> Gale

“I feel like that’s a bit wasteful. I’m only going to fuse twice, because I want to keep the other 2 runes for later.”

>I agree with trying out Tremor+Stream and Stream+Breeze. Those seem like the best runes to combine for base expansion purposes. Don't combine Flare+Tremor yet, until you have some way to safely contain molten magma.
>Try to combine Tremor and Stream
>Hmm. I wonder… Maybe combining the same rune is how you augment the power it can manifest?
>b+f, b+s, f+t, s+t.
>Don't forget to invert the result.
Silv begins by fusing Tremor and Stream together.

Nature rune obtained!
“Nature! That should be plants and stuff, right? Also, I didn’t seem to learn a new spell from it.”
Inverting the Nature rune also resulted in another new rune!

Eldritch rune obtained!
“No spell for this one either, but what does it mean though?”
No. 1088106 ID: 1effd3
File 171245065596.gif - (90.90KB , 840x700 , 040624_FromNothing54_BlastRuneGif.gif )

Next, she attempts to fuse two Flare runes together. The result is… slightly unstable. The new rune vibrates violently in Silv’s hands, threatening to go off at any second.

Blast rune obtained! Silv learned Lesser Blast.
“This feels… very unsafe.”
Silv cautiously converts the Blast rune into another that shouldn’t explode. “I think we should limit that runes use. I did learn a new spell though.”

Silv tests out Lesser Blast on the edge of the island. It does just about what you’d expect it to.
No. 1088107 ID: 1effd3
File 171245067352.png - (127.13KB , 900x750 , 040624_FromNothing55_Chopper.png )

>Ive also been wondering what would happen if you fed a rune to a voidling. Or the voidmatter. I suspect that the latter would result in growth, either mentally, physically or both. Unfortunately such experiments are best done at a time when we have a surplus. Right now the runes are all too essential as tools to risk.
“Yeah, I don’t want to spend our limited resources on stuff like that right now.”

>Take the logs and make a lean-to over the wall corner. Its not much, but it'll be cozy and you can reuse the logs later.
>Perhaps silv should start by securing the shroom trees in place. See if we can figure out how to get a roof over her head. I know there's no weather to shelter from, but it cant feel all that comfortable sleeping under that yawning void. So exposed…
>Hmm, do you have any ability to cut up the shroomlogs into usable planks? Maybe you can break up some stone into sharp pieces to chop with, but what we really need is a saw.
“I have to keep the logs off the island, otherwise they’re too heavy to move. The only way I can think of to cut them is maybe a sharp rock using Tremor?”

After a few attempts, Silv manages to get a sharp-ish rock to break apart the shroomlogs. They aren’t pretty, but she makes a few shroomplanks to make a lean-to with. x2 Shroomlogs remain.

Silv lets out a yawn. “Ok, I’m getting tired now Tetsi. We'll figure out how to plant the small mushrooms tomorrow, but other than that, what should we do?
The Floater Voidling lets out a loud puff of air. Seems you forgot to name it!
“Sorry, we hadn’t forgotten about you! Tetsi, do you have any names for our new friend? My idea is Flumph.”

Stay and work on the island, or explore? If explore:
Options for Weak Dowsing:

Provide an Environmental keyword
Fungal and Overgrown cannot be reused.
No. 1088110 ID: a7a180

Work on a shelter, or at least a dugout.
At least you can do your business by just going off the island.
No. 1088111 ID: 2f41db

.you are truly a master of the martial arts.
No. 1088112 ID: 5ebd37

Ought to dowse for food, unless you can dowse for seeds. Although with no sun it might be hard to farm. Sustainable food is a must.
keyword: scraggly

Flumph, ah that's great, go with that.
No. 1088115 ID: 2f41db

Nature and eldritch rune.
Makes sense.
The natural world and the eldritch are opposites while not being opposed. Same coin, different sides.
No inherent spell.
Either theyre an interim thatll develop into a spell or theyre a property rune.
Sonething you can latch on to a spell, effect, item or subject.
Have you tried casting two runes at once silv?

Flumph is perfect.

Silv, use those fungal strands and make yourself a hammock.
String it between two corners of the building walls.
If youve never seen one its like a...
A cocoon of pure comfort.
If you can master climbing into it.

Cloth if we have more than two days food remaining.
Otherwise, got to keep yourself fed silv.

Environmental keyword : ruin.
No. 1088116 ID: 273c18

Flumph is good.

Dowse for food.
Keyword: Bricks
No. 1088117 ID: 8f9bc4

OK so combined runes can be unstable. Combining Flare and Flare went about as well as pushing two positive magnetic monopoles together. Can you use the Nature rune to expand your island? Might result in something useful. You could explore more, maybe some food to stock up on. Or sleep. Would you feel better sleeping with a roof over your head? Not like it's going to rain on you here. If you would, you could probably make a crude lean-to by leaning the mushroom planks against the stone ruins.

Exploration Keyword: Comfy
No. 1088119 ID: 2a0cd7

Makes me think of a magical rune accelerator. Smash unstable runes together to create exotic runes that can only exist for picoseconds.
No. 1088140 ID: 5b2941

oh, that was fun. Again! Again!

you forgot to invert Blast, tho. I'm sure you'll be able to do it before it explodes if you're fast enough, I believe in you!
No. 1088143 ID: f2c52d

I wonder if combining two of the same rune is what makes runes unstable, and not necessarily the Flare components.

Considering that Tremor is the most useful rune as of right now, you should look into upgrading it somehow. Combining 2 Tremors might yield a more powerful version.

I wonder what land comes out of the Blast rune?
No. 1088154 ID: 7c0da2

We have an Eldritch rune. We have a Blast rune. Combining them would probably be very fun.
I wonder if we could keep combining Blast runes together (and converting them to something harmless immediately), until we have a rune powerful enough to create a sun ? Not necessarily a big one, just big enough for our island.
Anyway, I advise dowsing for Food. You don't have much of it. Keyword : Hollow.
No. 1088165 ID: 8f9bc4


We'll get right on the task of creating a sun as soon as construction of the rune accelerator is finished. Until then, Silv has more eh... immediate problems, like food, spores, giant voidlings, and getting lost.
No. 1088243 ID: 863ae7

We never inverted Blast. Might as well do that.
No. 1088624 ID: 1effd3
File 171297170518.png - (229.34KB , 900x750 , 041224_FromNothing56_MasterCraftsman1.png )

>Food: 5
>Cloth: 1
>Other: 0

>Ought to dowse for food, unless you can dowse for seeds. Although with no sun it might be hard to farm. Sustainable food is a must.
“Ok, we’ll look for more food after I rest, and get the mushroom patch organized.”

>Flumph is perfect.
>Flumph is good.
“Ok, our new friend's name is Flumph!”

— — —
Name: Flumph

Race: Floater Voidling
Natrualborn of the Void, they consume and recycle all that exists. Smaller voidlings can only eat matter that breaks down into the most basic of runes.

Breakdown:Voidlings consume any matter for sustenance, and convert it into runes. It is not a fast or efficient process.
— — —

>Work on a shelter, or at least a dugout.
>If you would, you could probably make a crude lean-to by leaning the mushroom planks against the stone ruins.
>Would you feel better sleeping with a roof over your head?

“What do you mean, I already did that, see?”
No. 1088625 ID: 1effd3
File 171297173234.png - (204.53KB , 900x750 , 041224_FromNothing57_MasterCraftsman2.png )


“...I’m going to go to sleep now.”
No. 1088626 ID: 1effd3
File 171297175473.png - (203.14KB , 900x750 , 041224_FromNothing58_Gardening.png )

Silv awakes to another sunless darkness lit by Tetsi. After breakfast, time to set up the mushroom farm!
Silv decides to set up a little farm on the longer end of the island, where she plants 10 of the small mushrooms to hopefully start growing. The other 10 are to be eaten later. Maybe.

>Silv, use those fungal strands and make yourself a hammock. String it between two corners of the building walls. If you've never seen one it's like a cocoon of pure comfort. If you can master climbing into it.
“That sounds nice, but I don’t know if I could make that!”

>We have an Eldritch rune. We have a Blast rune. Combining them would probably be very fun.
I wonder if we could keep combining Blast runes together (and converting them to something harmless immediately), until we have a rune powerful enough to create a sun ? Not necessarily a big one, just big enough for our island.
>Makes me think of a magical rune accelerator. Smash unstable runes together to create exotic runes that can only exist for picoseconds.
“What’s an accelerator? And do you really think we could make a sun??”

>I wonder what land comes out of the Blast rune?
“I’d rather not find out!”

>We never inverted Blast. Might as well do that.
>you forgot to invert Blast, tho. I'm sure you'll be able to do it before it explodes if you're fast enough, I believe in you!
Silv cautiously converts a rune back into Blast, and tries to invert it, to no success.
“Doesn’t seem like Blast can be inverted. I guess some runes don’t have opposites maybe?”

“Flan, Flumph, I’m going to look for some food. Please don’t eat the mushrooms and other things I’ve stashed away, ok?”
Flumph responds with a puff of air.

After activating Dowsing, Silv and Tetsi head out in the nearest direction of food.

>Nature and eldritch rune makes sense. The natural world and the eldritch are opposites while not being opposed. Same coin, different sides. No inherent spell. Either they’re an interim that’ll develop into a spell or they're a property rune. Something you can latch onto a spell, effect, item or subject. Have you tried casting two runes at once silv?
“By ‘casting two runes’, do you mean spells? I tried, but I couldn't focus on it. I do wonder why Nature and Eldritch didn’t give me a spell for them when the other runes did, it might be as you suggested.”
No. 1088627 ID: 1effd3
File 171297178594.png - (283.61KB , 900x750 , 041224_FromNothing59_NewDestination.png )

Ahead of Silv lies the target of her Dowsing. The island is uneven and covered in a swamp, where lies a multitude of ruins, dead trees, and craters. Large crystals pierce the ground, and toxic gas hangs low over the water. This… doesn’t seem like the best place to find food, but this is where Dowsing has led you.
No. 1088628 ID: 1effd3
File 171297180252.png - (479.00KB , 900x750 , 041224_FromNothing60_ToxicBlue.png )

“This place is… something. Will we actually find food here?”
“So what should we do first?”
No. 1088629 ID: 184595

Be cautious of the noxious vapors. Even if they leave you with your life, they may harm you or alter your mind in unpredictable ways.

Reach for things that are near at hand; the blue ferns, with their shoots and fruits, seem like they have the greatest potential to provide nourishment. It may be prudent as well to retrieve a sample of the crystals growing here.
No. 1088636 ID: 5b2941

>Please don’t eat the mushrooms and other things I’ve stashed away, ok?
Just let them eat a little of it, maybe you'll get a rune that will get you a spell that summons food.

those are some neat crystals. I don't suppose they're edible, right?
No. 1088638 ID: 80c73b

Are those shadows alive? Are those silos in the background?
No. 1088639 ID: 80c73b

Also those "stars" look ominously like giant voidlings
No. 1088643 ID: 273c18

Oooh pretty. (What keyword did this? Ruins I guess?)

Careful going. Break some crystal to bring back, Flumph might like it. Check out the ruins!
No. 1088653 ID: eb0a9c

This... looks familiar.
Okay, if I remember correctly, those crystals can make people smarter - but it also scrambles their brains. For obvious reasons, they only do the procedure on babies.

In any case, crystals are ordered patterns of matter, which should translate to powerful runes. Get as many types as you can, you're going to give Flan a buffet.
No. 1088654 ID: 2f41db

Kts an eerily beautiful islet.

Well., i dont think giant salt crystals would count as food, but dowsing hasnt been wrong yet...

If the plants dont have readily apparent fruit, the roots may be edible.

There could be something living in the water but that toxic looking miasma is something you want to avoid. Breeze it away if you approach.

The final food candidate i see is the one i hope is a failure.
Dead trees are a good place to find bugs, grubs and other insects. Edible, but notappetising.

I say start with the plants.
No. 1088656 ID: 861ceb

Identify plants and crystals?
No. 1088662 ID: 7c0da2

Take some of those crystals and inspect them. How heavy are they ? Are they fragile ? How do they taste ? We should try to identify them too.
Then to the ruins !
No. 1088664 ID: 273c18

Oh yes use Identify on the crystals and plants before you put your mouth parts on them.
No. 1088666 ID: 5ebd37

cast identify on the crystals and plants
No. 1089053 ID: 1effd3
File 171338223822.png - (372.20KB , 900x750 , 041624_FromNothing61_Toxigrowth.png )

>Are those shadows alive? Are those silos in the background? Also those "stars" look ominously like giant voidlings
Silv stares at the lights above, seeing if any are moving or obscured. Fortunately, none of them seem to belong to any giant voidlings.

>Reach for things that are near at hand; the blue ferns, with their shoots and fruits, seem like they have the greatest potential to provide nourishment. It may be prudent as well to retrieve a sample of the crystals growing here.
>Identify plants and crystals?
>Oh yes, use Identify on the crystals and plants before you put your mouth parts on them.
>cast identify on the crystals and plants
“I’m too far away to Identify the crystals in the middle of the swamps. The only one I think I could get close enough to check is that big one further in. Let’s check out these plants though.”

These blue plants grow from the polluted mud of the swamps here. The fruit, while edible, is poisonous to most forms of life. Eating too much in a short amount of time will cause a toxin buildup to occur. The toxins are most heavily concentrated in the plants roots.

“Ok, Toxigrowth is at the top of “things I shouldn’t eat” list. Can Voidlings eat it though? I should probably take a few fruits with me.”
x5 Toxigrowth Fruits obtained.
No. 1089054 ID: 1effd3
File 171338225365.png - (451.97KB , 900x750 , 041624_FromNothing62_ToxRuins1.png )

>Be cautious of the noxious vapors. Even if they leave you with your life, they may harm you or alter your mind in unpredictable ways.
>Careful going. Break some crystal to bring back, Flumph might like it. Check out the ruins!
>In any case, crystals are ordered patterns of matter, which should translate to powerful runes. Get as many types as you can, you're going to give Flan a buffet.
>There could be something living in the water but that toxic looking miasma is something you want to avoid. Breeze it away if you approach.
“There’s some ruins on the way towards the big crystal, so I’ll check that out first.”

Metal scraps litter the ground, and the shells of forgotten vehicles rust away. Toxigrowth creeps its way along the building’s ruined bricks and metal skeleton. A low miasma clings to the ground. Silv blows it away with Breeze.
“What is this place? And what happened here?”
No. 1089055 ID: 1effd3
File 171338227283.png - (580.28KB , 900x750 , 041624_FromNothing63_ToxRuins2.png )

Inside, rubble and torn metal litter the ground. There is a great number of voidling slugs in here eating the rubble, along with some runes.
x2 runes obtained.
“More runes! Nothing new, but it means we can use them when we get back home.”

Silv begins to walk out of the ruined building, towards the giant crystal structure in the crater.
“Let's see if we can get a bit of this crystal now!”
No. 1089056 ID: eb0a9c

Some recipes include trace amounts of toxic ingredients, like nutmeg.

Metal! Literally!
Steel is strong and abundant, but you don't have the means to produce it yet. Grab some, and try to get your voidlings to recycle it into steel-production runes! Steel alloys are mostly iron and oxygen, so it should be non-toxic.

Lastly, tame some more voidlings.
No. 1089064 ID: 80c73b

Are those shears on that pile?

Maybe feed one of the fruit to a voidling here to tame it...and if it's poisonous, at least you didn't poison st that was already your friend. ;P
No. 1089067 ID: 273c18

Oooh, metal. We should take some of that back.
Is that a smaller crystal back there you can identify?
No. 1089076 ID: 5ebd37

See if you can find a nice metal bar in the rubble, to use as a pick for crystal samples.
No. 1089078 ID: 2f41db

The steel is a good find.
Seems quite well preserved.
Difficult to transport but in the future itll be a useful building material.
Smaller parts could make a more reliable wewpon than beaning things on the head with us.

The advice to take a little is very sound.
As is taking that tool ifnit is indeed one.

Other than that, the crystal calls.
No. 1089087 ID: 8f9bc4

This place is a brick building with steel girders and walkways. What happened here is something broke a hole in the wall. The real question is who built it, and where did they go?
No. 1089117 ID: 85a0df

...is that a tank?
No. 1089169 ID: 7c1f1c

Clearly, this construction hasn't come from nothing. We've seen ruins of roads and automobiles, and here, perhaps great industry, as well. We must be journeying in the wake of great destruction that has shattered some prior civilization. Runelearner, you would do well to take heed of the nature of this wreckage, and endeavor to know the cause of the broken land's fate. We may need to avoid it, ourselves.
No. 1089171 ID: 273c18

Just looks like two rectangular pieces of rubble to me.
No. 1089186 ID: 7c0da2

It appears those voidlings can't digest metal, and it's a bit too heavy to bring back. That's a shame, we could use a metal rune. Take some small metal parts, maybe it'll prove useful at some point.
No. 1089189 ID: 8e6873

I've been thinking...
The opposite of Blast could be many things: Implode, Collapse, Stabilize, Freeze, Order, Vacuum, and Void are what immediately come to mind. Perhaps if the inverse concept is too open ended then the possibilities can only be made by combination?
No. 1089476 ID: 1effd3
File 171390078931.png - (378.04KB , 900x750 , 042324_FromNothing64_Shovel!.png )

>I've been thinking… The opposite of Blast could be many things: Implode, Collapse, Stabilize, Freeze, Order, Vacuum, and Void are what immediately come to mind. Perhaps if the inverse concept is too open ended then the possibilities can only be made by combination?
“Like… I have to try to invert Blast while also trying to fuse it?”

>...is that a tank?
>Just looks like two rectangular pieces of rubble to me.
“What’s a tank?”

>Metal! Literally! Steel is strong and abundant, but you don't have the means to produce it yet. Grab some, and try to get your voidlings to recycle it into steel-production runes!
>It appears those voidlings can't digest metal, and it's a bit too heavy to bring back. That's a shame, we could use a metal rune. Take some small metal parts, maybe it'll prove useful at some point.
>See if you can find a nice metal bar in the rubble, to use as a pick for crystal samples.
>Oooh, metal. We should take some of that back.
>The steel is a good find. Seems quite well preserved. Difficult to transport but in the future it'll be a useful building material. Smaller parts could make a more reliable weapon than beaning things on the head with us. The advice to take a little is very sound. As is taking that tool if it is indeed one.
“If I remember correctly, the small voidlings we’ve seen so far can only eat things that convert into basic runes. I suppose metal is too complex. I can try digging around this pile for some smaller things, because I definitely won't be able to drag it to the island's edge.”

Silv digs around the pile of rubble and metal for a short bit, and found the following:
x7 metal scrap obtained.
small Shovel-Pick obtained.
“This is neat, the top part moves up and down!”

>This place is a brick building with steel girders and walkways. What happened here is that something broke a hole in the wall. The real question is who built it, and where did they go?
>Clearly, this construction hasn't come from nothing. We've seen ruins of roads and automobiles, and here, perhaps great industry, as well. We must be journeying in the wake of great destruction that has shattered some prior civilization. Runelearner, you would do well to take heed of the nature of this wreckage, and endeavor to know the cause of the broken land's fate. We may need to avoid it, ourselves.
“With the way everything is wrecked, it’s hard to tell if it's all just old, or if something destroyed it all. I definitely know it’s hard to survive here, even if you didn’t have poisonous fruits to eat. Also, what’s an automobile?”
No. 1089477 ID: 1effd3
File 171390081937.png - (449.39KB , 900x750 , 042324_FromNothing65_.png )

After playing with the shovelhead for a bit, Silv leaves the ruin and resumes heading towards the giant crystal. Toxigrowth and dead trees litter the landscape, with the craters and swamp scattered around. Some of the swamps seem to have creatures in them, but it’s hard to tell with the murky water and toxic gas around.
No. 1089478 ID: 1effd3
File 171390085044.png - (693.51KB , 900x750 , 042324_FromNothing66_toweringCrystal.png )

The crystal towers above Silv and the surrounding landscape, sitting in its gas filled crater. Silv can blow away the gas, but it won’t last long until she has to do it again. Got to be quick!
No. 1089479 ID: 1effd3
File 171390086850.png - (546.25KB , 900x750 , 042324_FromNothing67_DiggyDiggyHole.png )

Reaching the massive crystal at last, Silv begins hitting it with the shovel.


A decently large chunk of crystal breaks off, and Silv casts Identify on it.

Crystalized Toxin. A tough crystal with a muddy, semi-transparent coloration, it pulses with an unsafe, negative energy.

”...Well, that explains everything being toxic around here. Do I …still want a chunk of this stuff?”
No. 1089480 ID: 80c73b

Um...maybe? Do you have a bag or something that isn't your hands or pockets? Maybe you could hold it with the shovel.... And uhhhhh, see if one of the unaligned voidlings nearby can eat it
No. 1089488 ID: eb0a9c

If one of the giant void beasts comes to devour your island, this is your deterrent.
No. 1089489 ID: 5ebd37

You're not equipped to keep something toxic stored safely yet. This chunk seems like a bust, except for your cool new pick.
No. 1089490 ID: 861ceb

I say drop it. your current home island is to small for you to have somewhere to place this safely without risking poisoning the rest of the island and you don't really have a container laying around to safely store it in so none of your voidlings won't eat it by mistake...
speaking of voidlings, what are the ones around here eating?
No. 1089494 ID: 7c0da2

I'd advise against bringing it back or carrying around too much.
We don't really have a use for it, we don't know how to handle or store it safely, and apart from its name and appearance the only thing IDENTIFY returned was "unsafe negative energy".

One thing we can do is experiment with it before we go.
Bring it somewhere away from the other crystals, if possible without touching it. Then try your current runes on it, except blast. Do not use blast on it. Be careful and ready to jump into cover if it looks like it's going to destabilize.
Finally, try fusing it with one of the runes you just found. Like when you fuse two runes. Or maybe try physically pushing the rune into it ?
No. 1089496 ID: 273c18

I don't think we have any way of carrying toxin safely, much less storing it in a way that won't gas up our home base. Leave it for now. If we ever need it we can come back to get it.

Investigate the creatures in the gas.
No. 1089509 ID: 2f41db

An automobile is a form of conveyance.
Entirely useless now

Good find with that tool.


You know, this place really is beautiful.
Shame its so deadly


That doesnt look safe at all.
Id say take a tiny bit but void only knows what you could be scattering into the air if you break it smaller.

My curiosity is driving me to want samples to experiment with to find out whether the crystal is coalesced from present toxins or a generating source of the toxic pollution.

Applications exist for either form.

All the same, best leave it.
I wouldnt want to see you hurt for my curiosity, nor what would happen if flan got ahold of it.
No. 1089769 ID: 1effd3
File 171417469254.png - (338.02KB , 900x750 , 042624_FromNothing68_.png )

>Um...maybe? Do you have a bag or something that isn't your hands or pockets? Maybe you could hold it with the shovel.... And uhhhhh, see if one of the unaligned voidlings nearby can eat it
>You're not equipped to keep something toxic stored safely yet. This chunk seems like a bust, except for your cool new pick.
>I say drop it. your current home island is to small for you to have somewhere to place this safely without risking poisoning the rest of the island and you don't really have a container laying around to safely store it in so none of your voidlings won't eat it by mistake…
>I'd advise against bringing it back or carrying around too much.
We don't really have a use for it, we don't know how to handle or store it safely, and apart from its name and appearance the only thing IDENTIFY returned was "unsafe negative energy".
>I don't think we have any way of carrying toxin safely, much less storing it in a way that won't gas up our home base. Leave it for now. If we ever need it we can come back to get it.
>...mmm. That doesnt look safe at all. Id say take a tiny bit but void only knows what you could be scattering into the air if you break it smaller. My curiosity is driving me to want samples to experiment with to find out whether the crystal is coalesced from present toxins or a generating source of the toxic pollution. Applications exist for either form. All the same, best leave it. I wouldnt want to see you hurt for my curiosity, nor what would happen if flan got ahold of it.
“We are all in agreement then, I don’t see much use for this stuff besides looking pretty.”

>One thing we can do is experiment with it before we go. Bring it somewhere away from the other crystals, if possible without touching it. Then try your current runes on it, except blast. Do not use blast on it. Be careful and ready to jump into cover if it looks like it's going to destabilize. Finally, try fusing it with one of the runes you just found. Like when you fuse two runes. Or maybe try physically pushing the rune into it ?
Silv quickly leaves the crater with the Toxcite chunk in hand, before the gas can condense again. After making some distance, she sets the Toxcite chunk down, and thinks about what to do.
“Hmm, I’ve only found two runes on this trip so far, so I’m only going to experiment with 1 rune. Let's try a Stream Rune.”
Silv takes a Stream rune, and tries to push it into the Toxcite chunk. She feels like it could do something, but doesn’t seem like she knows how to accomplish it. Perhaps for experience is needed?
“That didn’t work. I felt like I could do something, but I don’t know what.”
No. 1089770 ID: 1effd3
File 171417471691.png - (174.89KB , 900x750 , 042624_FromNothing69_FEESH.png )

>An automobile is a form of conveyance. Entirely useless now
“Good to know.”

>Investigate the creatures in the gas.
Approaching one of the nearby swamps, Silv looks around at the dark shapes darting below the water. Several jump out of the water and swim in the air when she approaches, allowing her to Identify them!

Swimmer Voidling
One of many variants of Voidling. Swimmers are much faster than previously encountered voidlings, and move through the air as if it were fluid.

“Aww, these guys are kinda cute! Doesn’t seem like the water and gas bothers them.”
Something on the water catches your eye, and you direct Silv’s attention towards it.
“Huh? What’s that?”
No. 1089771 ID: 1effd3
File 171417474218.png - (579.96KB , 900x750 , 042624_FromNothing70_swaaamp.png )

...It’s a new rune!

...In the middle of the swamp where the Toxcite is.

There appears to be several runes in the swamp water. Do you and Silv risk it?
No. 1089775 ID: 5b2941

the council is in agreement: those are cute

can you use Breeze to get them to you without going in? Otherwise, tame one of those swimmer voidlings and get them to bring them to you.
No. 1089776 ID: 273c18

Yeah, let's try a creative workaround. Wading in potentially-toxic water seems like a bad idea. Blowing the runes towards shore should work? We could also try making a rock bridge.
No. 1089792 ID: eb0a9c

Okay, see if those voidlings like toxic fruit, or whatever rations you've brought. If you can tame one, you can get them to push the runes to you and then bring them to your pond.
No. 1089808 ID: 861ceb

well there's a lot of junk laying around the island, can you just find some stuff to make a bridge or use your rock spell to make yourself stepping stones towards the runes?
No. 1089809 ID: 5ebd37

Tremor lets you lift rocks, how much control do you get? could you use a rock to push the runes out to you?

If that doesn't work then a nice stone step bridge should, plenty of ground to work with
No. 1089816 ID: 2f41db

This is an excellent idea.
The former then the latter.

No contact with the water.
At all.

Oh, and keep one antennae on those frankly adorable voidling swimmers.
Cute is not mutually exclusive with danger.
No. 1089942 ID: 1effd3
File 171435263037.png - (268.34KB , 900x750 , 042824_FromNothing71_.png )

>the council is in agreement: those are cute
”Yes they’re cute, but not the main point right now!”

>can you use Breeze to get them to you without going in? Otherwise, tame one of those swimmer voidlings and get them to bring them to you.
>Yeah, let's try a creative workaround. Wading in potentially-toxic water seems like a bad idea. Blowing the runes towards shore should work? We could also try making a rock bridge.
>Okay, see if those voidlings like toxic fruit, or whatever rations you've brought. If you can tame one, you can get them to push the runes to you and then bring them to your pond.
>well there's a lot of junk laying around the island, can you just find some stuff to make a bridge or use your rock spell to make yourself stepping stones towards the runes?
>Tremor lets you lift rocks, how much control do you get? could you use a rock to push the runes out to you? If that doesn't work then a nice stone step bridge should, plenty of ground to work with
>This is an excellent idea. The former then the latter. No contact with the water. At all. Oh, and keep one antennae on those frankly adorable voidling swimmers. Cute is not mutually exclusive with danger.
”Breeze won’t work. Those runes are stuck in the swamp muck. Tremor is a good idea, but I can only affect rocks within reach of me, and I don’t know how deep the swamp is, so a pathway might not work. Best option is to try to tame a Swimmer voidling.”
No. 1089943 ID: 1effd3
File 171435264454.png - (191.39KB , 900x750 , 042824_FromNothing72_Flyfishing.png )

Silv grabs some nearby Toxigrowth fruit, and tries to tame one of the voidlings. After a couple of failed attempts, she manages to tame a swimmer voidling.

Unfortunately, this voidling doesn’t seem to understand the concept of “directions” very well. After much wasted time, Silv manages to make the voidling understand what she wants it to do, and retrieves as many runes from this swamp.
x6 runes obtained.
Harm rune obtained!

“Harm… makes sense I guess? But look at all these runes we got! I don’t have much more room in my bag, so we should leave soon. Maybe bring more Toxigrowth fruits? Also, any name ideas for this voidling?”

No. 1089944 ID: 37587f

Yes! We asked for one son, and now we have an entire family! We are very pleased with this. Soon we shall become the Mithra family, greater than the greatest emnpires that existed in the old world! And thus it is only logical for us to give even greater names to our children. We shall give this one the honorary title of DON JUAN SANTIAGO HERMOSO DE LA MANCHA RUBRA CALIENTE III JUNIOR. All caps.
No. 1089945 ID: 5ebd37

well they got you the harm rune so, how about Harmony?

See if they can tow you back home.
No. 1089960 ID: 194362

>name for voidling
Ghoti (pronounced as fish)
No. 1089962 ID: 2f41db

I like this as long as we dont have to explain it to silv
No. 1089966 ID: eb0a9c

Spathiwag (The Inheritor)

Grab any metal tools you can find on the way back.
No. 1089969 ID: 5b2941

I vote for Ghoti, but pronounced "ghoti"

btw, do invert that rune. Might be nice to have a heal spell.
No. 1089978 ID: 80c73b

"Spathiwag" somehow sounds correct.
Though, I'd also accept Harmony.
No. 1089979 ID: 184595

It is good to be concsious of the limits of your carrying capacity, Runelearner, but think also on how you might harness that capacity you have more fully: combine the runes, and free space for more metal and crystal.

We have already remarked upon the Swimmer's attractive appearance; in the spirit of giving it a name both honorable and fitting, I suggest "Siren" or "Naiad."
No. 1089998 ID: 56db77

+1 for ghoti
No. 1090008 ID: 8f9bc4


In particular, do not apply the rune to your own island without first inverting it. I don't want to imagine what any rune combo involving a "harm" rune would produce...

...unless you're into that, Silv?
No. 1090083 ID: 1effd3
File 171459095501.png - (201.90KB , 900x750 , 050124_FromNothing73_.png )

>Harmony, Ghoti (pronounced as fish), Ghoti (pronounced as Ghoti), Spathiwag, Siren, Naiad.
“I like Ghoti and Naiad the most, but I think I’m leaning more towards Naiad. Your name is now Naiad!”


— — —
Name: Naiad

Race: Swimmer Voidling
Natrualborn of the Void, they consume and recycle all that exists. Smaller voidlings can only eat matter that breaks down into the most basic of runes.

Breakdown:Voidlings consume any matter for sustenance, and convert it into runes. It is not a fast or efficient process.
Fluid Efficiency:Can generate runes from fluid matter more efficiently.
— — —
No. 1090084 ID: 1effd3
File 171459098595.png - (303.63KB , 900x750 , 050124_FromNothing74_LifeRune.png )

>btw, do invert that rune. Might be nice to have a heal spell.
“Normally I’d wait till we are home to invert runes, but it seems like a good idea if you’re correct Tetsi.”

Life rune obtained! Silv learned Recovery!

“It did give me a healing spell! I’m not hurt, but it’ll be helpful later, I’m sure. Let’s collect some more stuff then head home.”

>In particular, do not apply the rune to your own island without first inverting it.
“I don’t plan on it.”

After spending some more time on the Toxcite island, Silv begins to head home with Naiad in tow. The total amount of things Silv collected here is:
x7 Toxifruit.
x10 Metal Scrap.
x8 runes.
No. 1090085 ID: 1effd3
File 171459100741.png - (135.86KB , 900x750 , 050124_FromNothing75_.png )

After an uneventful return trip, Silv arrives home to greet her other voidling companions. Naiad dives into the pond, and Silv investigates any changes to the island.
Voidlings tried to get into Silv’s stash, but were unsuccessful.
Glow Mushroom patch has grown x1 new mushrooms.
x2 runes obtained.

“Ok, I want to make a plan! It’s getting a little crowded here, and I think giving us a bit more to stand on would be helpful. We have 12 runes available to us, and I’d like to use 3 to expand the island, and one to make the pond bigger. I want to keep 4 runes spare, so that leaves us with 4 runes to combine with. So what runes should we combine this time?”
No. 1090087 ID: 031458

I think Nature + Life is a given!

I'm curious about Eldritch + Nature. Have you combined runes with their direct inverse before?

Maybe Life + Blast could be cool!

Blast + Harm is certainly... The most direct route to violence if you feel you need it, I'd think...

Also, the description of the toxifruit mentioned they were toxic because they absorbed the Poison around them.

If you plant them somewhere clean will they grow as something edible?

If you plant them somewhere with a strong runic influence will they absorb that instead?
No. 1090089 ID: 5b2941

>Also, the description of the toxifruit mentioned they were toxic because they absorbed the Poison around them.
>If you plant them somewhere clean will they grow as something edible?
>If you plant them somewhere with a strong runic influence will they absorb that instead?
if we put an area of Life in the island and plant them there, would they grow into Goodberries?
No. 1090096 ID: 031458

You're a genius!
No. 1090098 ID: 7c0da2

Let's try to turn that pond into some kind of hot spring or healing spring !
If combining Flare and Life gives a result, you could try adding it to the pond. If it doesn't, try to add either Life or Flare to it.

As for what other runes to use for expansion, I'd say Life, Nature and Breeze. But that's playing it very safe, so I'm not against trying Eldritch or Harm instead of Breeze to see what it does.

And for the combinations, I like Eldritch + Fire and Life + Breeze. Eldritch + Life is very tempting too, as is Eldritch + Eldritch. Or Eldritch + Anything, really, it's just such an intriguing rune...
A somewhat less dangerous-sounding option is Life + Blast, although we don't really need a wide area Recovery.
And remember to invert the result when possible !

Unrelated to the task at hand, you should pet your voidlings and tell them they are good voidlings. Maybe play with them.
No. 1090100 ID: 2f41db

Good ideas aleeady for combinations.

The lifezone, toxberry seeds to make goodberries is a particular flash of genius.

Id only add, if you have time, see if voidlings are capable of obedience training.
Got to see if theres a better way of keeping them out of the stash.
No. 1090134 ID: 5ebd37

I'm interested what land we can get from a wind rune. one combined with life or nature might make something that helps spread growth.

A couple of straight forward earth runes to expand around your shack. give yourself some room to build.
No. 1090142 ID: 56db77

I agree life + nature could be very interesting and potentially make for a good island extension
No. 1090184 ID: 7c1f1c

I would think that Tremor is the rune to look at if we wish to expand the land's extent. We need to build out the rock on which we find ourselves floating, and the rune whose purview is stone presents itself as the most viable for that task.

Nature and Temor; Life and Tremor; perhaps once we have established additional lands, we can seed them with Life and Nature, or create weather with Breeze and Nature. But let us learn the runes in their proper order, and see what Tremor can do to expand our island.
No. 1090207 ID: 379606

I think he's got the right idea. Last time we used a rune other than tremor on the island, it formed a pond from land that already existed. Perhaps certain runes are foundational like tremor being land.
No. 1090287 ID: 8f9bc4


Assuming she has another Tremor rune to expend. I haven't been keeping track, but Silv has been finding a bunch, so surely some of them are Tremor?
No. 1090296 ID: 1effd3

Runes can be converted into other known runes.
No. 1090297 ID: eb0a9c

Uh... are those two playing, or trying to eat each other?

>Life Rune
I recognize that one. That's the symbol for DNA. Most carbon-based life runs on a simple principle: every species has a set of instructions that 'tell' it how to do everything. Life, at its core, simply 'makes' stuff called proteins, and the combinations of proteins become so complex that they can determine pretty much everything about a species.
Here's the thing: most magic-centered civilizations never learn about DNA or its shape. Who could have advanced this much in runecraft to discover this?

Whatever you decide, concentrate on filling the concave area. We don't want more bits of land to fall off, it's unstable as it is.
No. 1090456 ID: 1effd3
File 171504021699.png - (266.44KB , 900x750 , 050624_FromNothing76_NewRunes.png )

Rune combinations attempted:
Stream+Life: Success
Eldritch+Nature: Failure
Stream+Stream: Success
Breeze+Flare: Success
Breeze+Breeze: Success

The combination of Stream and Life created a new rune!
Potion Rune obtained! Inversion creates another rune. Toxin Rune obtained!
“Potion and Toxin? Not sure what Potion does, but Toxin is definitely something harmful.”

Eldritch and Nature did not fuse. No runes wasted.

The combination of Stream and Stream created a new rune!
Ice Rune obtained! Inversion failed.
“Two Stream runes create Ice… So like Blast, combining two runes makes a stronger form of it?”

The combination of Breeze and Flare created a new rune! It is slightly unstable.
Static Rune obtained! Inversion failed. Silv learned Static.
“This rune doesn’t feel as unstable as Blast was.”
Silv tries her new spell. A small amount of electricity gathers around her hand.

The combination of Breeze and Breeze created a new rune!
Gale Rune obtained! Inversion failed.
“I think this confirms it. Two runes of the same type seem to strengthen each other.”

>Life Rune. I recognize that one. That's the symbol for DNA. Most carbon-based life runs on a simple principle: every species has a set of instructions that 'tell' it how to do everything. Life, at its core, simply 'makes' stuff called proteins, and the combinations of proteins become so complex that they can determine pretty much everything about a species.
Here's the thing: most magic-centered civilizations never learn about DNA or its shape. Who could have advanced this much in runecraft to discover this?
You used too many big words, Silv is currently trying to process what you just said. You even see smoke coming from her little noggin.
No. 1090457 ID: 1effd3
File 171504023771.png - (170.22KB , 900x750 , 050624_FromNothing77_Playtime.png )

>Unrelated to the task at hand, you should pet your voidlings and tell them they are good voidlings. Maybe play with them.
>Uh... are those two playing, or trying to eat each other?
”They’re playing. Probably.”
”...I don’t know if Flumph even has a mouth to eat with. I should play with them a bit.”
After discovering new runes, Silv plays with her voidlings for a bit as a break. They’re all happy :3

>Id only add, if you have time, see if voidlings are capable of obedience training. Got to see if theres a better way of keeping them out of the stash.
“Training these guys may take a while, since I don’t really know how to train them. What I really need is a box! Currently I just stick them behind a few bricks that I hope they can’t move.”
No. 1090458 ID: 1effd3
File 171504026138.png - (201.76KB , 900x750 , 050624_FromNothing78_IslandExpansion.png )

>Also, the description of the toxifruit mentioned they were toxic because they absorbed the Poison around them. If you plant them somewhere clean will they grow as something edible? If you plant them somewhere with a strong runic influence will they absorb that instead?
>if we put an area of Life in the island and plant them there, would they grow into Goodberries?
>You're a genius!
>The lifezone, toxberry seeds to make goodberries is a particular flash of genius.
>I would think that Tremor is the rune to look at if we wish to expand the land's extent. We need to build out the rock on which we find ourselves floating, and the rune whose purview is stone presents itself as the most viable for that task. Nature and Temor; Life and Tremor; perhaps once we have established additional lands, we can seed them with Life and Nature, or create weather with Breeze and Nature. But let us learn the runes in their proper order, and see what Tremor can do to expand our island.
>A couple of straight forward earth runes to expand around your shack. give yourself some room to build.
>I think he's got the right idea. Last time we used a rune other than tremor on the island, it formed a pond from land that already existed. Perhaps certain runes are foundational like tremor being land.
>Whatever you decide, concentrate on filling the concave area. We don't want more bits of land to fall off, it's unstable as it is.

“We don’t have much room to experiment with, so I agree that Tremor to expand is the safest option. Don’t forget these ideas for later though, they’re all good ones! I’ll plant some of the Toxigrowth Fruit after I expand the island and sleep, I’m getting rather tired…”
No. 1090459 ID: 1effd3
File 171504027896.png - (142.07KB , 900x750 , 050624_FromNothing79_.png )

Island size increased.

Silv eats the last of the snacks she has in her possession, readies herself for sleep, and a new day(?).

Stay and work on the island, or explore? If explore:
Options for Weak Dowsing:
Provide an Environmental keyword
No. 1090462 ID: eb0a9c

Check on the mushrooms. Harvest a few, cook them, and see if the voidlings can eat the shrooms safely. Then cook a few more and leave them as dinner.

With your Gale rune, you should be able to transport a crate of supplies. Work on building storage packs for harvesting more stuff while we work on dowsing.

Let's dowse fooor... [Tools].
No. 1090465 ID: 5ebd37

Try a mushroom for food. Also try out the pick, is it any good at cutting shroom wood? Building a shelter you can actually sit up in, as well as a storage box, should be the next goal.

If the pick isn't good at shaping the wood then lets dowse for metal and hope it leads to tools.

keyword: vast
No. 1090466 ID: 031458



Seeking ashes could lead us to fertilizers, steel, weapons, bones, ruins, building materials, food, cookware, alchemy tools and ingredients, a variety of strange runes, secrets of entropy both grand and terrible, and possibly even survivors of fallen world's.
To seek ashes is to seek the forgotten embers of the warmest of hearths and hottest of fires. The echos of the most brilliant forges and brutal wars. The violence and power of nature's most awesome mountains and man's most terrible hubris.
Ashes whisper the secrets of times long past; They've so much to teach.
No. 1090468 ID: 273c18

No. 1090473 ID: 8f9bc4

Not the most ideal land expansion for adding new things, but with more space in the middle you can even build a little house. Not that you know how to build a house!
No. 1090475 ID: d87606

Let our keyword be "Healing." We seek to make of our island a scab over this shattered world, and encourage it to once again live and grow. As we have restored the divot in the crescent, may this recovered land purify the toxifruit, and recover their original and nourishing form.

With that as our task, let us stay here, and tend our garden. Rapidly, we see that we are building no simple retreat from which we conduct our sorties, but a place that is alive, and that must shelter and husband a growing ecosystem. Add to it the toxifruit, and harvest the mushrooms.

And continue in your office, Runelearner. You have gained much knowledge lately, which shows glimpses of knowledge yet to come. Once our fledgling habitat has begun to flap its own wings, we must set our sights on determining how the Voidlings create the stuff of your power.
No. 1090481 ID: 2f41db

Im glad silv got a chance to play, even if it was brief.
Not just for the voidlings.
For her too.

...last of the food.

That looks like a priority.
May come with storage too.
Dowse for food.

Keyword: enclosed

I would have go with seconding ash because everything said there is accurate and i hope we go in the future but ash is likely to destroy anything edible despite the other wonderful discoveries to be made.
No. 1090746 ID: 1effd3
File 171547632046.png - (178.34KB , 900x750 , 051124_FromNothing80_Silv_is_not_a_chef.png )

>Check on the mushrooms. Harvest a few, cook them, and see if the voidlings can eat the shrooms safely. Then cook a few more and leave them as dinner.
>Try a mushroom for food.
Come morning(?), Silv wakes, and looks over the island. Naiad has produced a rune while she slept, and the mushroom patch has grown. There are now 5 runes in storage, and the mushroom garden contains 17 mushrooms.
Despite not knowing the first thing about cooking or preparing food, Silv manages to perfectly cook them with her Flare spell. They’ve got a spongy texture and taste a bit better than dirt.

>Work on building storage packs for harvesting more stuff
”I don’t have anything to make it though! All I have is some shroomwood and metal bits!”
>Also try out the pick, is it any good at cutting shroom wood? Building a shelter you can actually sit up in, as well as a storage box, should be the next goal.
>Not the most ideal land expansion for adding new things, but with more space in the middle you can even build a little house. Not that you know how to build a house!
“I have a house! It’s just not a good house.”
Silv takes her shovel-pick, and hacks away at one of the shroomlogs. Much more efficient than a rock, but doesn’t mean she’s good at it.
x7 shroomplanks.

>Plant the Toxigrowth Fruit and harvest Glowshrooms.
>As we have restored the divot in the crescent, may this recovered land purify the toxifruit, and recover their original and nourishing form.
Silv digs a spot in the ground to bury two of the Toxigrowth Fruits she got. They probably need a lot of water because it was growing in mud before, right? Afterwards, she harvests some of the mushroom patch, and puts it into storage.
x7 glowshrooms added to stash.
Mushroom patch x10
No. 1090747 ID: 1effd3
File 171547634552.png - (62.42KB , 900x750 , 051124_FromNothing81_.png )

>Food: 1
>Cloth: 1
>Other: Tools
>Other: Ash x2

>Seeking ashes could lead us to fertilizers, steel, weapons, bones, ruins, building materials, food, cookware, alchemy tools and ingredients, a variety of strange runes, secrets of entropy both grand and terrible, and possibly even survivors of fallen world's. To seek ashes is to seek the forgotten embers of the warmest of hearths and hottest of fires. The echos of the most brilliant forges and brutal wars. The violence and power of nature's most awesome mountains and man's most terrible hubris. Ashes whisper the secrets of times long past; They've so much to teach.
>I would have go with seconding ash because everything said there is accurate and i hope we go in the future but ash is likely to destroy anything edible despite the other wonderful discoveries to be made.
After hiding the stash behind the large bricks as usual, Silv activates Dowsing for Ash, grabs her shovel-pick, and heads off into the void.

>Im glad silv got a chance to play, even if it was brief. Not just for the voidlings. For her too.
“It was nice to play around with them. I’d like to do it more, but there’s a lot to do to keep going.”
No. 1090748 ID: 1effd3
File 171547636229.png - (283.62KB , 900x750 , 051124_FromNothing82_Biodome#713.png )

A strange, domed building sat alongside tall, shattered walls of metal and glass. Metallic tendrils stretch across the landscape to smaller, far more ruined structures. Within the shattered dome, Silv can see smoke rising from within the broken dome.
No. 1090749 ID: 1effd3
File 171547641885.png - (495.53KB , 900x750 , 051124_FromNothing83_.png )

“What is this place? And what should we do first?”
No. 1090750 ID: 273c18

Looks like some kind of habitat. Check to see if you can get through that door. You might have to break in somewhere else though.
No. 1090752 ID: 8f9bc4

Smoke means fire, and fire means ash!
No. 1090753 ID: eb0a9c

It's still smoking. Interesting; it must have 'died' recently, but the exact criteria needed for reality to accept this chunk of matter is still beyond us.

Use your magic to clear any traps. You need to sprint through this place; there might still be survivors!
No. 1090755 ID: 031458

Seek the smoke.
Something is still burning, somehow.
Whatever it is will surely surprise us.
No. 1090757 ID: 5ebd37

What's that box next to the door? If it's a control panel then using static might shock it into unlocking.
No. 1090770 ID: 2f41db

This is a good find.
Theres life here despite the fire and ruin.
Fresh growth.

As you pass by the object dug into the ground just spare it a quick glance.
Im wondering whether its a mooring cable of some kind or something more complex.
If its hollow, could be an alternative entrance at the broken points.

The box on the wall seems a promising start though.
No. 1090775 ID: 7c0da2

There is no doors on the smaller domes, which means the tubes are probably how people entered. Of course, now you can also try climbing, but I don't recommend it.
The structure behind the main dome seems distinct from it, it reminds me of the ones we found on the toxic island yesterday, with lots of girders. From the look of it the domes could have been a greenhouse, and the other ruins may have been some kind of habitat, or maybe simply a place to study or process whatever was growing in the greenhouse.

Anyway, for now you should try the door. There is several all around the dome, so if this one doesn't open maybe another will. And be careful not to step on glass shards once you're inside.

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