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1081683 No. 1081683 ID: 127310

quest about making a house. will likely contain violence, blood, gore, death, and horror themes, though will try to keep a lighthearted tone. other nsfw content may arise given your suggestions.
55 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1089098 ID: 10556b
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>Do you know how your uncle died? Did he die here, in his house? Is it possible the house will try to kill you?

You don’t know how, where, or why your uncle died.

>Hmmm, so, did your parents have weird tentacles too?

Well, for one, they’re not weird. Everyone in your family has tentacles. You have 21 tentacles. Apparently, both your parents also have 21 each. You haven’t asked anyone else in your family exactly how many they have.

>Ah. So, this is where a living house exists. The only houses that exist in reality are dead ones.

That’s marginally unsettling. Does that mean the goal is to eventually kill the house?

>What to do if you’ve died in the void

You crack open Home Realisation and flip to What to do if you’ve died in the void[.

Since 20ΦΔ, ANOMAT has placed standardised resurrection devices in all new houses, in order to reduce the danger associated with owning a house. Although some houses conceptualised before 20ΦΔ do utilise ANOMAT resurrection devices, many use homemade ones. It is exceptionally uncommon for a home to not have some form of resurrection device.

Automatic resurrection devices are the most common form, though some resurrection devices will require more contribution on the part of the dead. Check which kind your house has.

If your house lacks a resurrection device, attempt to contact your neighbours. They are also able to bring you back.

If this is also impossible, you must wait for an astral ripple. It is a very rare occurrence, so there is no telling how long you might spend dead.

>"surviving the void"

The first rule of surviving the void is to have fun. Nothing’s more dangerous than a grump.

After that, it is important to complete your chores. These will get more difficult as you go along. Pay attention to what day it is, and stay physically safe.

Try not to attract attention from any alternate planes. If you absolutely must, remember that infernal beings can be reasoned with, while astral beings can’t, as a rule of thumb. Void beings will vary.

Learn the difference between day and night. Optionally, learn the difference between day, night, and the time in between them. Knowing this will be critical to your survival, as the rules of the void can sometimes change based on these times.

>"well problems"

You switch to K. P. W. Lett’s tome now.

Reality Wells can experience a number of ailments that can affect their effectiveness. Any sort of external Well degradation or abnormal emission can be indicative of an issue. In order to prevent this, it is advised to have your Well regularly checked by Well Experts, such as those from W.O.L.A.N.D.

Common Well issues that can be solved by Well Experts include, but are not limited to:

Well Decay
Shallow Hellbender Lairs
Wellborne Interlopers
Shallow Cave-Ins
Blood Flooding
Infernal Presence

That’s enough reading for one day!

>Sleep well, and don't forget to make your bed when you wake up! This place has got to be spick and span!

Alright mum. You wiggle your way up the stairs, leaving a circle of books on the ground.

You slip into bed even though it’s still bright outside.
No. 1089099 ID: 10556b
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Nevermind, it is dark now. That’s a bit weird.

You sleep peacefully under a pinkish moon-like object. (?)
No. 1089100 ID: 10556b
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You wake up. The darkness has turned back to light.

DAY 1: Day of Chores

Tasks for Today
* Locate the Echo Chamber in Storage (BASEMENT) - 1 ʁ
* Move the Echo Chamber to Kitchen (GROUND) - 1 ʁ
* Use the Echo Chamber to alter two items - 2 ʁ
* Consume a beverage on Porch (GROUND) - 2 ʁ

You can hear a knocking on your door.
No. 1089101 ID: 273c18

>Does that mean the goal is to eventually kill the house?
Well, the book made it sound like the house will eventually die on its own. Doesn't have to be malice on your part.

>resurrection devices
Huh. Do we know where ours is? Maybe your uncle is only temporarily dead? Or maybe... he died in reality, not the void?

These chores don't seem too bad.
Go answer the door.
No. 1089111 ID: 8f9bc4

Wow, they got here early. Or are you just a late sleeper?
No. 1089113 ID: 3a9fbe

Do you know what "ʁ " means?

Answer the door, hopefully it's a neighbor you can share a drink on the porch with
No. 1089129 ID: ab4bb7

Huh. Do you know if folks outside your family have tentacles instead of hands, or if it's a quirk unique to your bloodline, on a scale of "the way of things" to "common" to "not unheard of" to "your family might be strange?"

Agreed - two birds, one stone, and all that. If you need a moment to freshen up for the morning, make sure to inform your guest of that fact. Also, ask if they need to put a new signature in the guest-book, or if that's only for overnight stays. Maybe ask real quick if they knew your uncle well enough to know what your house's resurrection device was called or looks like.
No. 1089459 ID: 127310
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>Well, the book made it sound like the house will eventually die on its own. Doesn't have to be malice on your part.

You guess so.

>Huh. Do we know where ours is? Maybe your uncle is only temporarily dead? Or maybe... he died in reality, not the void?

No way to know for sure. Not yet, anyway.

>Do you know what "ʁ " means?

Nobody’s ever told you, but you have a certain intuition that the ʁ symbol is shorthand for some measure of realisation. Check the computer to find out more.

>Huh. Do you know if folks outside your family have tentacles instead of hands, or if it's a quirk unique to your bloodline, on a scale of "the way of things" to "common" to "not unheard of" to "your family might be strange?"

Okay, your family might be strange. You know that most people don’t have tentacles. People in family also tend to try to hide their tentacles from those outside the family too.

>Wow, they got here early. Or are you just a late sleeper?

You aren’t really an early riser, but you wouldn’t say you sleep in that long.

>Go answer the door.
>Answer the door, hopefully it's a neighbor you can share a drink on the porch with

Alright, you go downstairs and open the front door.

A young lady stands there.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Hi Rose! I’m Gretchen.”
She sounds essentially the same as she did over the phone.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Did you just get up? Guess I’m gonna have a long day.”
She catches your confused look and explains.
:kpwlt_gretchen: “Time works a bit weirdly here. Days basically start when you wake up and end when you finish your chores, so all of our days can be different lengths. They all start and end at the same time though, so they stretch. Sort of.”
No. 1089461 ID: 127310
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You find it appropriate to ask Gretchen about the resurrection device.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Oh, that? Yeah, it’s just around here.”

She leads you out and around to the left side of the house to show you a panel bearing an image of a bird.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Light means it’s still working.” She points to a glowing diode on the front of the box.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Don’t touch it, I reckon, just call ANOMAT if the light ever turns off. Shouldn’t do, though.

Boris, Kaspar, and I all also have our own resurrection devices. George didn’t have one before ANOMAT started making them, though. Anyway, most of them are pretty straightforward. Except Kaspar’s.”


:kpwlt_gretchen: “If you want me to explain anything here, just ask. I’ve come over plenty of times. By the way, we should probably get cracking on your chores!”
No. 1089465 ID: 80c73b

Well, doesn't seem like there's any big hurry. But, seeing as how one of them was share a drink on the porch, might as well, haha.
No. 1089486 ID: 5ebd37

hang out on the porch, share a drink and get to know each other.
No. 1089498 ID: 273c18

Oh, if the chores are associated with realization then the house *wants* to eventually die? Or are the chores needed for it to exist happily and the process of realization is a byproduct? Well, either way the house is requesting things that will eventually kill it, so I guess it's all good.

Ask about the Echo Chamber. How's it work?
No. 1089528 ID: 8f9bc4

You did make your bed, didn't you?
No. 1089925 ID: 127310
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>You did make your bed, didn't you?

YES! Yes you made your bed! Forget about the bloody bed! Actually, you know what? Have a discussion thread to speculate on the status of the bed.

No. 1089926 ID: 127310
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>Oh, if the chores are associated with realization then the house *wants* to eventually die? Or are the chores needed for it to exist happily and the process of realization is a byproduct? Well, either way the house is requesting things that will eventually kill it, so I guess it's all good.

Mmmmaybe? Maybe right now, since you don’t know a whole lot, it’s best to just do whatever feels right and deal with any ethical dilemmas when they properly actually arise.

>Ask about the Echo Chamber. How's it work?

You ask Gretchen about the Echo Chamber.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “That sounds like one of those gadgets George would keep in the basement and bring out for us to mess around with every now and then. I never put much effort into remembering their names, so, sorry.”

>Well, doesn't seem like there's any big hurry. But, seeing as how one of them was share a drink on the porch, might as well, haha.
>hang out on the porch, share a drink and get to know each other.

Well, you’d love to, but the only drinks in the house are the potions.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Everything alright?”

You, uh, could also drink the milk, but… It’s just, you’ve never really been fond of milk.
No. 1089927 ID: 9e4e4d

The chore list seems to be an order of operations. Clearly you need to use this echo chamber to turn two glasses of milk into something actually good
No. 1089936 ID: 273c18

Offer your guest some milk. Drink some tapwater if you don't want milk.
I don't suppose she knows anything about the unlabeled potions?
No. 1090201 ID: 127310
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>The chore list seems to be an order of operations. Clearly you need to use this echo chamber to turn two glasses of milk into something actually good.

You’ll try that. You don’t really want to try that right now in case it goes horribly wrong, but you will try it.

>Offer your guest some milk. Drink some tapwater if you don't want milk.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Ah, thank you.”

You and Gretchen go out on the porch and drink your milk and water respectively.

Tasks for Today
* Locate the Echo Chamber in Storage (BASEMENT) - 1 ʁ
* Move the Echo Chamber to Kitchen (GROUND) - 1 ʁ
* Use the Echo Chamber to alter two items - 2 ʁ
* Consume a beverage on Porch (GROUND) - 2 ʁ (COMPLETE)

>I don't suppose she knows anything about the unlabeled potions?

You ask her.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Oh! Those. They’re kind of a long story. But, uh, George, Kaspar, Boris, myself, we used to get a bunch of stuff and mix it all up in Kaspar’s alchemy lab just for the hell of it. Never thought George kept the ones we didn’t finish! We could give ‘em a go if you wanted.”
No. 1090202 ID: 127310
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Anyway. Time to get the Echo Chamber. You tell Gretchen about your remaining tasks and she understands what must be done.

You locate a relatively large toolbox engraved with the words ECHO CHAMBER and haul it up the stairs to the kitchen.

* Locate the Echo Chamber in Storage (BASEMENT) - 1 ʁ (COMPLETE)
* Move the Echo Chamber to Kitchen (GROUND) - 1 ʁ (COMPLETE)

The Echo Chamber has a knob on its front that goes from 1 to 7. It’s currently set to 3.
No. 1090203 ID: 127310
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Gretchen gets herself a glass of water (getting the box up the stairs seems to have really made her thirsty) and you now get yourself a glass of milk.

You and Gretchen both watch as you carefully set the glass in the box, close the lid, and engage the latch. The box rumbles and trembles for a few seconds, and then the latch pops off of its own accord.

Lifting the lid (apprehensively) reveals that the glass has now been transmogrified into a jug of milk.

Glass of Milk →→→ Jug of Milk
No. 1090215 ID: 80c73b

...Hooray, more of a thing you don't like. :P Does the house know you don't like milk? Maybe you need to mention it.
No. 1090218 ID: 273c18

Ok, try another glass of milk but instead set the dial to 6.
No. 1090251 ID: 5ebd37

Is it just creating more of whatever's in it? Try again on another glass of milk with it set to 1. If you get one glass of milk then its a multiplicative process, if you get 2 then its additive.
No. 1090366 ID: 127310
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>...Hooray, more of a thing you don't like. :P Does the house know you don't like milk? Maybe you need to mention it.

You say “I don’t like milk.” to the house.

Gretchen looks at you quizzically. “Oh,” she seems to try to say.

You make a vague gesture at her to try to communicate that you were talking to the house. She may or may not have gotten it.
No. 1090367 ID: 127310
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>Ok, try another glass of milk but instead set the dial to 6.

You stick another glass of milk in and set the dial to 6 (not 7).

After some slightly unnerving rumbling, you open the Echo Chamber to reveal some grass?
It seems to be still living, though doubtless it won’t be for long.

Glass of Milk →→→→→→ Grass

All tasks complete. 6 ʁ earned. Return UPSTAIRS to begin the night.

>Try again on another glass of milk with it set to 1.

Yet another glass of milk goes into the box.
You could say it came out untouched, but it really didn’t. It’s still a glass of milk, but it’s slightly different now. The glass is a different shape and the milk has a sort of different consistency or something. You don’t know, you’re not very fond of milk.

Glass of Milk → Glass of Milk

I think this means it’s multiplicative, though you’re not sure how a glass of milk ever multiplies into grass.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “What’re you trying to make?”
No. 1090369 ID: 8f9bc4

I suppose the dial indicates degrees of separation? 1 would exchange a glass of milk for a different glass of milk, while 3 makes a jug of milk, similar, and 6 makes a fistful of grass, far removed.

The echo chamber makes things? You were just testing it, to see how it functioned. Ask Gretchen if she wants to echo chamber anything, before heading home for the evening (because apparently it's become quite late?)
No. 1090376 ID: 18ae7d

Further testing required (when not hosting guests) but we can rule out the echo chamber simply making more of whatever substance is in it. Actually this makes sense, if it is about echoing further and further back through an item's history. If that is true then one of the settings between 3 and 6 should turn milk into cow (maybe don't test that right now)

All that to say, I don't think your going to get a non-milk drink out of it. Ask Gretchen if she would like a go at it.
No. 1090391 ID: 273c18

Glass->grass. It changed the letter. Looks like the dial determines how similar the resulting object is(similar to a certain SCP). Try 4 or 5 to see if you can get a different drink out of it without turning it into something inedible.

Tell her you're just experimenting. Why, is there a way to get specific things? You'd like a different drink.
No. 1090487 ID: ab4bb7

Actually, it might be because cows turn grass into milk. If we turned the dial to 4 or 5 would produce a steak? An entire cow? Raw milk or the half-digested cud that cows store in their stomach, depending on if it was 4 or 5? Would a 7 produce dirt? Grass seeds? The possibilities are endless, as long as you're only looking backward in time. There's only so much you can do with milk, though, so let's stop for now.
No. 1090488 ID: 80c73b

Actually. Come to think of it. Have you asked anybody else in your family about your uncle, or his house? Did you even tell anybody you were going?
No. 1091480 ID: 127310
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>Actually. Come to think of it. Have you asked anybody else in your family about your uncle, or his house? Did you even tell anybody you were going?

No, and no. You don’t usually talk to your family, and you’ve nobody that would miss your presence. You had no friends before coming here, and you’re convinced that your family only invites you to family gatherings because it’s no longer socially acceptable to torment wild animals for entertainment.

>I suppose the dial indicates degrees of separation? 1 would exchange a glass of milk for a different glass of milk, while 3 makes a jug of milk, similar, and 6 makes a fistful of grass, far removed.

Interesting theory.

>Glass->grass. It changed the letter. Looks like the dial determines how similar the resulting object is(similar to a certain SCP).

Another interesting theory. But where does the ‘of Milk’ go?

>Try 4 or 5 to see if you can get a different drink out of it without turning it into something inedible.
>Further testing required (when not hosting guests) but we can rule out the echo chamber simply making more of whatever substance is in it. Actually this makes sense, if it is about echoing further and further back through an item's history. If that is true then one of the settings between 3 and 6 should turn milk into cow (maybe don't test that right now)
>Actually, it might be because cows turn grass into milk. If we turned the dial to 4 or 5 would produce a steak? An entire cow? Raw milk or the half-digested cud that cows store in their stomach, depending on if it was 4 or 5? Would a 7 produce dirt? Grass seeds? The possibilities are endless, as long as you're only looking backward in time. There's only so much you can do with milk, though, so let's stop for now.

All interesting ideas, certainly something to test. You’re a bit reluctant to try now, though. Wouldn’t want to spook your potential new friend.

>The echo chamber makes things? You were just testing it, to see how it functioned. Ask Gretchen if she wants to echo chamber anything, before heading home for the evening (because apparently it's become quite late?)
>All that to say, I don't think your going to get a non-milk drink out of it. Ask Gretchen if she would like a go at it.
>Tell her you're just experimenting. Why, is there a way to get specific things? You'd like a different drink.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “I’m sure there must be a way to get specific things out of it, it’s just that nobody knows how to. You know what,”

She pulls out what looks to be some kind of agonised green bouncy ball.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Kaspar made this. He said he made it while trying to ‘conceptually exploit the machine’. What did he call it again?”

She puts the tormented spheroid into the box and switches the dial to 2.

After the device does its thing, there are two of the things inside. She takes them out, one in each hand, stuffs one into her pocket, and places one in your false palm.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Now we can both have one!”

GmNwnT →→ Double GmNwnT
No. 1091481 ID: 127310
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Gretchen now gives you a friendly wave.

:kpwlt_gretchen: “Well, thanks for having me over! Hope to see you again soon! Speaking of, there should be a calendar on your computer with some local events on it. We always go to ‘em. You should come to some!”

You thank Gretchen for coming over and helping you with the box.

You swear this wasn’t there before, but Gretchen goes to a relatively distant train platform, at which there is a train waiting. She boards the train, which departs promptly.

You keep looking at the platform, wondering how and when it got there. After a while, it sort of dawns on you that you’ve just been staring at nothing all along. You haven’t blinked or looked away, and the platform didn’t disappear. It just isn’t there.
No. 1091486 ID: 80c73b

I've had that sorta happen with screen changes. Like, I'll be looking at the page, waiting for it to load, and suddenly I'll realize it's already loaded, presumably during a saccade, and my brain never flagged my view as having changed.

Anyway. Uh, mess with the echo machine? Investigate the well? Do you feel tired? Seems like an awfully short day, but you do you, I guess. Maybe you could read some more of those books.
No. 1091489 ID: 8f9bc4

It's probably only there when the train is. You'll have to get a train schedule if you want to take a trip. A little concerning is that you've been staring at nothing, so the train platform wasn't there at the same time that it was. Maybe just... not think about that too much right now.

Anyway, Kaspar seems like a tricksy fellow. He managed to create an inert rubber ball that still experiences emotional distress! Is there some way to separate and refine torment from the tormented, and combine it impossibly with base matter? Wait, where did Kaspar find someone who was tormented?

You might want to be wary of this "Kaspar."
No. 1091493 ID: 5ebd37

Well, that doesn't make how the chamber works any more clear. But hey, Gretchen seems nice. It's good to have a potential friend in a place like this.

Is the study still a mess? Might as well tidy up while you've got nothing else going on.
No. 1091497 ID: 273c18

Huh, the 2 setting duplicates the item? Seems like our guesses weren't quite right. Perhaps each setting has a unique effect.

Why don't we check out the well? It sounds like you can go down into it?
Or we can get the key from the lethe and check out the Red Realm.
No. 1092013 ID: 127310
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Update 13: The Sinister & Unlucky Update

>You might want to be wary of this "Kaspar."

Yes indeed! I was never really a fan of Kaspar myself, between you and me. Anyway, what you’ve been hearing about Kaspar has sort of painted him as a weird fellow in your mind, so you’ll be aware whenever you see him.

>But hey, Gretchen seems nice. It's good to have a potential friend in a place like this.

You do like Gretchen. Even if she seems a little put off by some of your antics, she does seem like she genuinely wants to be friends with you.

>Uh, mess with the echo machine?
>Huh, the 2 setting duplicates the item? Seems like our guesses weren't quite right. Perhaps each setting has a unique effect.

Maybe. Or…
You put one of the balls back in the Echo Chamber, and set it to 7. Just to test a theory.

When the smoke clears, there are 7 little green bouncy balls in the box.

GmNwnT →→→→→→→ Septuple GmNwnT
No. 1092014 ID: 127310
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>Seems like an awfully short day, but you do you, I guess.

I wonder if the days get longer as you go on. This day technically isn’t over yet, it only will be once you go upstairs?

>Is the study still a mess? Might as well tidy up while you've got nothing else going on.

You will once you go upstairs. You won’t go upstairs yet because you’ve still got some day to enjoy. I think.

>Why don't we check out the well? It sounds like you can go down into it?
>Or we can get the key from the lethe and check out the Red Realm.
>Investigate the well?

Alright. You head down to the basement and decide to go down the well first. You won’t go into the Lethe yet because it gives you the heebie jeebies and you still haven’t reconciled the part where you forget everything you know with a desirable outcome yet.

You jump a bit when the door of Limitless Space slams shut behind you, but you bravely carry on.
No. 1092015 ID: 127310
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You find a little knob in the rock formation and tie a spare tentacle to it. You can retract or untie this tentacle at any time. This tentacle is long, but it’s not infinitely long. If you don’t have this tentacle tied here, you will still be able to pull yourself up from the well as long as you are standing under the opening.

You hop down the well and fall for a few seconds, before slamming against the bottom. If you had bones, they would probably be broken. You find yourself on a floor, and surrounded by walls, that are made from a material not unlike some form of skin stretched over bone. If you (you you, not Rose you) run your tongue along your gums, or the roof of your mouth, that is how i would best describe it to you. It isn’t completely wet in here though, just a little damp in spots.
No. 1092016 ID: 127310
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Picking yourself up, you notice that you have two paths ahead of you. One looks to slope up, the other goes down. Both bear signs.

The downward path’s sign seems as though it had once read “SURFACE-LEVEL HELLBENDER LAIR”. However, someone has clearly crossed this out. The sign now reads “SURFACE-LEVEL HELLBENDER LAIR”. Curious.

The upwards leading path’s sign clearly states “AQUIFER - VERY FAR”.

Both signs have, in smaller, darker, stencilled writing, “W.O.L.A.N.D” near the bottom.
No. 1092017 ID: a307c2

Aquifer sounds like the safe choice.
No. 1092022 ID: 8f9bc4

How could it be surface level if it's below the surface?

Might be good to get some actual rope to use to climb in and out of this well. You can't really explore further if you're still hanging onto the top of it.
No. 1092035 ID: 273c18

I don't think we want to wander down a "very far" path right now, you probably can't stretch your tentacle that long. Let's check what used to be the hellbender lair.
No. 1092483 ID: 127310
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>How could it be surface level if it's below the surface?

It’s possible that this terminology just means that it’s near the surface.

>Might be good to get some actual rope to use to climb in and out of this well. You can't really explore further if you're still hanging onto the top of it.

No need. The well isn’t deep or wide enough to prevent you from climbing out easily. The only reason you’d need a rope is to mark where you’ve already been and there are better ways to do that.
No. 1092484 ID: 127310
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>Aquifer sounds like the safe choice.
>I don't think we want to wander down a "very far" path right now, you probably can't stretch your tentacle that long. Let's check what used to be the hellbender lair.

Aquifer doesn’t sound bad but yeah, it’s best to check near paths rather than far ones for now.

You head down the descending path. It doesn’t feel like you are descending, even though it looks to descend quite steeply.

You enter a small cavern with several collapsed tunnels leading into it. Several large lizard looking things lie in various stages of death and decay. The more mutilated of them even have little, uh, little stone fellows near them.
No. 1092485 ID: 127310
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You go closer to one of the little stone fellows.

This little fellow swivels to ‘look’ at you. It’s slightly unnerving. It says nothing.

It’s still covered in blood.

You sort of want to pick it up.
No. 1092486 ID: 273c18

Say hello! ...hmm, you can't truly die here, right? Might as well pick it up then.
No. 1092489 ID: 5ebd37

something so cute can't be bad! But, maybe try sending a finger over while you keep your distance.
No. 1092492 ID: 8f9bc4

I suppose if these lizards are "Hellbenders" then this would explain why the sign has been crossed out.
No. 1092498 ID: 0e2cec

I wonder if those emerged from the lizards...or simply made the wounds. Or neither, I suppose.
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