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File 132181217788.jpg - (148.69KB , 1198x1684 , dwarf.jpg )
8587 No. 8587 ID: b62b4e

A dwarf.

Trying out a new style. Speed paint, one layer in Corel. ~ 80 minutes.
297 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 12086 ID: cadd24

I think that it will only emphasize the issue. The way the horse is standing and the way the hot redhead is riding it are the things that need to be worked on.
No. 12089 ID: fef500


G-h-hot r-r-edhead?

Uhh, yeah, yeah!
No. 12096 ID: cf0d28

Oh man, how'd I not see this? This is fuckin fantastic!
No. 12097 ID: fef500


That's not mine, it's from a Comic book called Crossed. There's currently 3 chapters out Origins , Family Values and Psychopath.

The newest one's coming out this month soonish.
No. 12099 ID: feab56

I meant your picture did not have enough pic related >>12084
No. 12122 ID: e893ca


Hah. Well it's a female horse! THERE!

Also no crossed, just general undead.
No. 12160 ID: 025ab2
File 133377833531.jpg - (1.44MB , 1868x2250 , navigator13.jpg )

Guys, I think i've discovered a new skin technique!

No. 12162 ID: 09cf2a


Looks good but, I dunno, like he has a bit of dust on his face. As though he has been working on some plasterboard or something.
No. 12164 ID: 025ab2


yeah, that's me trying out some skin pigmentation / pores , might have to smooth stuff out, or blend them better, but it's a good progress I guess.
No. 12172 ID: b91e75

it seems rather efficient, what is it,
No. 12173 ID: 025ab2


A mix in Corel Painter 12's handy tools and wetblending.

Pen tool , oil pastel, and a custom brush i've drawn.
No. 12179 ID: 32f8c6

I think this look very good but i think your new technique only is only a little part of it. I think what makes it look really good is the facial construction.
No. 12180 ID: b79631


Oh shet, I didn't see this before. I really like it. Have there been any further developments?

Also, crossed is funny as hell. I dunno if that's what they were intending, but it's so over-the-top, that it can't be taken seriously.
No. 12207 ID: 740c79


>Facial construction

you mean the face looks anatomically real? SUCCESS!


rest assured, it will be done Soon (TM). I haven't given up on projects, NOT EVEN ON KURZE.

I just chose to work on different elements in order to improve/discover techniques to help out on things I really don't want to mess up :)
No. 12208 ID: cadd24

Yes. That is exactly what i meant. You are really good with color, but most of the time the people you draw looks funny. If you focus on your Loomis and your Hogarth you can be like, the best around.
No. 12209 ID: 740c79


I get Loomis, but why hogarth?
No. 12211 ID: 32f8c6

The exact same reason.
No. 12220 ID: 19c735
File 133405537646.png - (757.18KB , 577x783 , 11111.png )


I guess.
No. 12245 ID: 5fd746
File 133416591304.jpg - (1.60MB , 1800x2222 , navigator20.jpg )

Okay, I think I've achieved the tight anal niche Greenmarine was looking for :3
No. 12247 ID: 1444d5

>tight anal niche
I believe that is generally situated at the other end of the body.
No. 12249 ID: 5fd746


I was merely quoting the good sir.
No. 12251 ID: 496845

Whoooaaaa, I could get lost in all those textures and details forever.
No. 12253 ID: 5fd746



Because I'm a sadist.
No. 12254 ID: 5fd746
File 133418279007.jpg - (2.27MB , 879x3437 , WeylandInvestInYourFuture.jpg )

No. 12256 ID: cadd24

I'm a masochist. We should have a cup of tea.
No. 12275 ID: aa8bbc
File 133426656332.jpg - (1.60MB , 1800x2222 , navigator22.jpg )


I'll take you up on that. Now how's this for Realism?
No. 12279 ID: 0d3431

Hey Emp, please stop, I don't have that many pairs of pants and my washing machine is getting tired.
No. 12286 ID: 31ed4d
File 133430125483.gif - (497.52KB , 262x200 , 8QmIp.gif )

That is quite realistic.
No. 12288 ID: 04ac5c




I am still not happy with the beard, it looks like peach fuzz and I want proper bushy / stubble..
No. 12332 ID: 7d4c78
File 133444945689.jpg - (1.69MB , 1800x2222 , navigator25.jpg )


No. 12335 ID: 32f8c6

Very good. Are you a wizard?
No. 12336 ID: 7d4c78



No. 12341 ID: 0f0047


The beard makes him look a lot older, but still unusually immature-looking for a Navigator, so I think you did a good job. I feel like the torso needs a little more shadow, under the chest-plate. The face is very lifelike, and you should be proud.
No. 12355 ID: 6934e7
File 133454979118.gif - (220.73KB , 500x375 , tumblr_m1z9g6e4SG1r5jtugo1_500.gif )

I am super familiar with your uguu moeblob kawaii slang.
No. 12367 ID: 693850


One of those uberly exaggerated, filled with CGI, man-sauced, over the top animes.

I just love the 3d smoke this guy exudes.
No. 12377 ID: 6934e7

>>uberly exaggerated, filled with CGI, man-sauced, over the top animes.

B-but...that's not Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Emps!
No. 12390 ID: 53476d

Of all the anime properties hyped up, Fate/Stay was one of the ones I always ignored.
Mayhaps I was wrong?
No. 12408 ID: 1444d5

The clip is from the recent Fate/Zero, wich was animated by Ufotable. Who put a lot of effort into making their stuff look good, flow well, and generally being well made (music, pacing, etc).

Fate/Stay Night was animated by Studio Deen.
Who don't.
No. 12410 ID: fe0bc2
File 133468064827.gif - (6.50MB , 472x264 , berserker.gif )


I did say ONE of... D:


I didn't watch Fate/Stay.


I love Fate/Zero. Specially Gilgamesh and Berserker.
No. 12429 ID: 3155e2
File 133474493396.jpg - (1.17MB , 1700x2250 , psyker5.jpg )

No. 12442 ID: c53dd8


It's very good. Is this the full canvas size?
No. 12460 ID: 8696c6
File 133490089120.jpg - (1.21MB , 1700x2250 , psyker8.jpg )


No. 12469 ID: f890a5
File 133497346406.jpg - (11.93KB , 252x270 , niiiiice.jpg )

>dat facial structure
No. 12553 ID: 94e476
File 133517996134.jpg - (1.15MB , 1700x2250 , psyker10.jpg )


And done!
No. 12555 ID: 09a2fd

Quite well done. Your attention to detail pleases me.
No. 12571 ID: f33e12
File 133526235028.png - (27.37KB , 493x402 , 1330822876229.png )

>banned from DA
No. 12572 ID: c952fb

No. 12575 ID: 6161d9


What the fuck? Why?
No. 12576 ID: f33e12


No. 12577 ID: 6161d9
File 133528100106.gif - (59.15KB , 170x267 , tumblr_m1mlm85fcC1qi2inpo1_250.gif )

No. 12578 ID: 4b341f

Still entirely lost. Hell, I HAVE a DA account that rarely gets some use. I have nary a clue what this is.
No. 12587 ID: 864ba9

This looks really cool.

That's what you get for being a godless anarchist, emps. :(
No. 12589 ID: f33e12


>That's what you get for being a godless anarchist, emps. :(


Oh Greeenie, you always manage to make me giggle uncontrollably.
No. 12593 ID: 306bdb

That's what i do. I'm like a mexican Jim Carrey-Chris Farley hybrid.
No. 12652 ID: 0bc8ea
File 133547617109.png - (45.59KB , 1546x311 , wtfban.png )

I can't have naughty friends.
No. 12653 ID: feab56

Oh for fuck sake, I hate "guilt by association". And they demand that you ask them for forgiveness? I wouldn't be able to accept that without question.
No. 12656 ID: 864ba9

"Stop being such a heathen and we might welcome you back into our circlejerk cult"
No. 12658 ID: 0bc8ea
File 133550436765.jpg - (206.75KB , 547x600 , ehehtilde.jpg )

I don't do Circle Jerks.
No. 12659 ID: 67f7c9

Seems to me the message here is "you didn't do anything we can pinpoint as wrong, but you're still being a dick"

I guess the ButtHurt brigade threaten the business of Deviant Art more than their ethics.
No. 12660 ID: cc266b

A similar thing happened last year with a group called hate-campaign, which I was part of. One day, group was just gone. It had a lot of negative attention drawn to it, and many people thought it was a national-socialist group. Of course it wasn't, but when people get funny ideas, they like to spread them around, and with such controversial topics, a snowball effect is inevitable. I believe a handful of members were banned, but luckily I wasn't.
No. 12664 ID: 417510
File 133552958253.png - (265.66KB , 900x1200 , phantom_by_vselyatvselyat-d4xsx5t.png )

Isn't this like... the sexiest thing ever?
No. 12665 ID: feab56

Well, I would stalk her radioactive wasteland, if you know what I mean ;)
No. 12677 ID: d1f51a


That is very cool.
No. 12732 ID: fb1ef0

It's the gasmask.
Makes the entire outfit.
No. 12738 ID: b19571
File 133581758114.jpg - (165.89KB , 446x400 , laughingcharbitches.jpg )

>You have been suspended from deviantART for 6d 23h 53m 51s with a reason of Ban reduced to two-week suspension after an ongoing re-investigation, we're sorry for the inconvenience.

No. 12750 ID: a48857


Fucking ridiculous.
No. 12751 ID: 149438
File 133586579670.jpg - (124.87KB , 439x749 , 1335049408956.jpg )


I like the fact that I've spent my time wording an 8 page statement/account for my actions and a basic deconstruction of their shitty etiquette policy and inconsistencies between their FAQ / TOS just to get this suspended thing, without them even answering my dissertation there.

You know what would be funny? Getting senior status.
No. 12752 ID: e7c485

nevertheless, welcome back on the hipster facebook of circle jerkers.
No. 12753 ID: 65dfde


Not quite back yet, but thanks.

How's your model doing?
No. 12754 ID: e7c485

I'll have it done in a couple of hours.

Scared myself shitless this morning when I found my file corrupted, turns out 3dsMax autobackups files, so I'm good.
No. 12755 ID: 65dfde


oh wow, that was a close one heh!

Will we get to see some textures on it? Last time I checked the details were looking very nice. Altho the weapon was a bit weird.
No. 12756 ID: e7c485

I won't do color because I don't have to. Also I'm terrible at it

Also, how's the weapon wierd ?
No. 12757 ID: 65dfde


Ah I see.

Oh, its just the handle of the weapon / chain thing not being linked to it. I'm sure you've probably fixed it by now.
No. 12759 ID: e7c485

The handle is place holder for now, I'm about to get it fixed
No. 12805 ID: d975cc
File 133613710693.jpg - (956.97KB , 1500x1600 , TFR510F_tmp223.jpg )


No. 12811 ID: d975cc
File 133616468856.jpg - (714.81KB , 1500x1600 , dwarf.jpg )


This is Robin Thonen of the Ironhammers, He is visibly upset that their Dwarfish gods have been offended by various other pagans.
No. 12824 ID: 6c4efe
File 133624716379.jpg - (714.08KB , 1500x1600 , dwarf2.jpg )


Bearded this up.
No. 12831 ID: 6c4efe
File 133626454459.jpg - (187.01KB , 600x940 , Alistair.jpg )

No. 12833 ID: 6c4efe
File 133626806916.jpg - (762.09KB , 1500x1600 , dwarf3.jpg )

No. 12870 ID: 91570e
File 133643645225.jpg - (774.63KB , 1500x1600 , dwarf4.jpg )

Is it just me, or do I make lips a bit too similar for every character?
No. 12879 ID: f3d44b
File 133651109971.jpg - (301.77KB , 1000x1000 , ogre.jpg )

Greenmarine , is your body ready for the Ogre Magi?! He's almost done. I hope this friday we get to play him...
No. 12881 ID: 276250

My body is always ready. I have to admit i've been cheating on DoTA with the cruel mistress that is SMNC, though.
No. 12884 ID: 6e518b
File 133654968059.gif - (1.01MB , 977x918 , 1336232999707.gif )


I have 62 games played with The Prophet.
No. 12885 ID: 6e518b
File 133655260258.jpg - (299.85KB , 2000x1000 , Hollaholla.jpg )


Now In Wallpaper format.
No. 12886 ID: 6e518b
File 133656024219.jpg - (387.62KB , 1600x1727 , TFR9D01_tmp.jpg )


This makes me happy.
No. 12907 ID: 693850
File 133665430074.gif - (1.87MB , 230x250 , Dota2_OgreMagiPortrait.gif )


Isn't he adorable?!!?
No. 12918 ID: 693850
File 133669847485.jpg - (91.51KB , 750x1000 , Windrunner.jpg )

For greenie, cus his Dota waifu is pretty nice.

Gotta love dat stun / sprint
No. 12928 ID: 840177

He's both adorable and FIERCE.

She's not my waifu. Well, sort of. She's more like a childish infatuation, like when you're 5 years old and you feel funny when you look at your teacher and you want to cry and she reminds you of your mother, but kinda different and weird.

Drow ranger is my waifu.
No. 12929 ID: 840177

But yes, that looks nice so please proceed.
No. 12933 ID: 37f810


Oh well, still a gift then~
No. 12935 ID: 276250

Give me gifts under your own risk. I will watch you while you sleep.
No. 12936 ID: a45cd6
File 133679210693.png - (99.79KB , 619x649 , grumpy.png )


Whilst you can certaintly outsmart Derpy, Grumpy is skeptical of your stalkery.
No. 13185 ID: c8abd5
File 133778700001.jpg - (223.98KB , 440x615 , fukugabe.jpg )

No. 13408 ID: 0acbfa
File 133898602456.jpg - (114.36KB , 1150x1445 , Valar Morghulis.jpg )

a quickie, because Thrones lol.
No. 14080 ID: ba4210
File 134209303431.jpg - (1.57MB , 1600x2100 , TECHPRIST15.jpg )

Trying to figure out what works best.
No. 14081 ID: 5673d3

Did you do other 14 techprists before this one?
No. 14083 ID: ba4210


Yes , this is the one that made the cut.

because of his adorable eye.
No. 14088 ID: 7d2165
File 134211405026.png - (2.90MB , 1600x2100 , contrast.png )

Awesome work as usual, although I think your pictures tend to lack contrast sometimes, here is a quick paintover, just adding layers in photoshop with linear density+
No. 14096 ID: ba4210


I need to finish the details first before I contrast / add shadows / shinies

I also need to figure out where the light is coming from, intensity, color, yadda yadda...
No. 14105 ID: 7d2165

suits me :)
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