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File 149695331618.png - (219.96KB , 1212x826 , Drawthread!.png )
34354 No. 34354 ID: 8a947d

Here's where I draw stuff
More drawings here: https://krylonheretic.tumblr.com/
276 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 39278 ID: 91ee5f

When I saw this, I just made up this conversation in my head!

Driver: “Hey, wanna see me do a wheelie?!”

Friend: “You’ve only got one wheel! You’re always doing a wheelie!”

Driver: “Well, when you put it like that, you make it sound lame.”
No. 39308 ID: 186f53
File 152918520510.jpg - (2.32MB , 5312x2988 , 1529185162108814687675.jpg )

No. 39309 ID: 186f53
File 152918524815.jpg - (2.42MB , 5312x2988 , 1529185217857217034853.jpg )

No. 39399 ID: 8a947d
File 153013237782.png - (403.84KB , 1212x1653 , Explorer.png )

No. 39400 ID: 8a947d
File 153013238679.png - (327.13KB , 1212x1653 , Bird Man.png )

No. 39422 ID: 09d241

Tiny goblin vulture bird...
No. 39423 ID: b1b4f3

Googly eye.
No. 39533 ID: 8a947d
File 153140632318.png - (154.15KB , 1039x638 , Knife Still.png )

Knife to meet you
No. 39534 ID: 896ddf

No. 39604 ID: 8a947d
File 153201912184.png - (946.40KB , 1039x1417 , Roxy Beach.png )

No. 39635 ID: f3ba9e

No. 39648 ID: 8a947d
File 153213388047.png - (201.49KB , 828x651 , Roxy Has Something to Say.png )

My friend posted the same thing when I shared that in discord
No. 39649 ID: 8a947d
File 153213400568.png - (349.71KB , 1039x1417 , Collared Roland.png )

Roland on a leash, Whoever's holding the other end is up to your imagination.
No. 39650 ID: 8a947d
File 153213419834.png - (365.12KB , 1039x1417 , Chest Day Ada.png )

Chestday 2018 Ada
No. 39651 ID: 8a947d
File 153213421272.png - (386.55KB , 1039x1417 , Chest Day Hazel.png )

Chestday 2018 Hazel
No. 39654 ID: 3c1fb0

Still best girl
No. 39657 ID: e26fa5

When we're going to dress Roland as a women again?
No. 39658 ID: 896ddf

Ahh the good old days
No. 39682 ID: eeb7d9

I don't know lad, Roland looks pretty femenine here >>39649.

No. 39695 ID: d3602f

I bet it's Peaches. Roland tried to get him to wear a leash, but the sneaky demon pulled a reversal.
No. 40017 ID: 8a947d
File 153444158988.png - (386.94KB , 1039x1417 , Iggy Remake.png )

My friends and I are trying to do a DnD game. Here's my Kobold Monk.
No. 40018 ID: d3602f

Kobolds are underutilized as PCs in tabletop games. Any backstory on him?
No. 40019 ID: 8a947d

His name's Iggy. He was a kobold tossed into a fighting pit to die for a quick show against someone bigger and stronger. He pulls through and kills the guy with a wrench somebody dropped in to the ring, then he takes the guys belt (which he's wearing in the picture) and carves an I in the front. Sick of being seen as a weak kobold he happily continues to fight and hone his skills. After killing 24 opponents and feeling like he's gotten everything he could out of his time in the pit he took his wrench and knocked a guard out then ran off. now he wanders around looking for bigger fights and more trophies and rewards to take from his opponents.
No. 40022 ID: 91ee5f

A kobold that’s really good at punching and is tall enough to be at crotch punching height. Just thinking about it makes me feel pain! >_<
No. 40023 ID: 8a947d
File 153445293951.png - (547.69KB , 1039x1417 , Iggy Remake Color.png )

No. 40024 ID: eeb7d9

That's a nice name there Heretic.
No. 40110 ID: 8a947d
File 153522970091.png - (445.88KB , 1039x1417 , Iggy Remake Colored 2 White BG.png )

No. 40167 ID: 8a947d
File 153559712058.png - (620.86KB , 1039x1243 , Iggy Drinking.png )

No. 40168 ID: 91ee5f

No. 40169 ID: d3602f

Based on his size, he probably isn't the best at handling alcohol. With a character who likes to pick fights, this could lead to hijinks.

Well, at least it isn't a drunk sorcerer. I can't think of anything more terrifying.
No. 40176 ID: 8a947d

Iggy holds his alcohol pretty well despite being like 3 feet tall. Especially since he's a drunken master monk.
No. 40177 ID: eeb7d9

Ok, first, that is a big as wrench.

Secondly, the more i see of this guy, the more i want to see a Quest of him. He looks so cool!
No. 40180 ID: d3602f

Did they give him a lot to drink in the pit?
No. 40181 ID: 8a947d

No more than he or his mentor managed to sneak in plus the few drinks he won from putting on some good fights.

I'd love to but I barely keep up with D3 as is
No. 40183 ID: eeb7d9

No worries, i can wait~
Besides, i am having a blast with D3-SR. I really like this "reboot". Gotta love those tournaments arcs.
No. 40184 ID: d3602f

Yeah, as >>40183 said, D3 is great and we don't really need you doing another quest right this minute. Don't bite off more than you think you can handle.
No. 40185 ID: 8a947d
File 153574653829.png - (325.42KB , 1039x1349 , Roxy Jacket.png )

No. 40186 ID: eeb7d9

YAY, moar fox lady!
No. 40187 ID: 8a947d
File 153576032955.png - (500.56KB , 1039x891 , Iggy Eats.png )

No. 40215 ID: 8a947d
File 153610042376.png - (392.63KB , 1023x1379 , Lisa Full.png )

No. 40360 ID: 8a947d
File 153688930746.png - (403.61KB , 1039x1417 , Patty.png )

No. 40599 ID: 8a947d
File 153868575260.png - (684.49KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night One.png )

A Crown of Fireflies
No. 40600 ID: 8a947d
File 153868577179.png - (737.42KB , 1039x1403 , Everautumn Night Two.png )

Cutting Lyrics
No. 40601 ID: 8a947d
File 153868578518.png - (803.23KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night Three.png )

Stolen Words
No. 40624 ID: a451fc
File 153886804603.png - (342.10KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night Four.png )

Unintelligible Letter
No. 40625 ID: a451fc
File 153886806471.png - (594.24KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night Five.png )

A Warning
No. 40633 ID: a451fc
File 153896324469.png - (380.08KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night 6.png )

Electric Umbrella
No. 40738 ID: a451fc
File 153973443470.png - (479.78KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night Seven.png )

A Company of Imps
No. 40739 ID: a451fc
File 153973445728.png - (414.08KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night Eight.png )

A Wooden Heart
No. 40740 ID: a451fc
File 153973451946.png - (402.26KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night Nine.png )

The Name the Earth Gave Me
No. 40741 ID: a451fc
File 153973454692.png - (341.46KB , 1039x1417 , Everautumn Night Ten.png )

A Talkative Piece of Candy
No. 40742 ID: a451fc
File 153973457828.png - (445.61KB , 1417x1039 , Everautumn Night Eleven.png )

A Confrontation
No. 40854 ID: a451fc
File 154034987454.png - (232.84KB , 541x696 , Hangman Roland.png )

Roland as The Hanged Man from JJBA
No. 40870 ID: fa2b06

Ah yes, The Roland Men and his Co-buddy, Troy Horse.
No. 41204 ID: a451fc
File 154268182454.png - (214.07KB , 1039x709 , D3.png )

I like the whole *Roland too busy being a nerd to notice Vol freaking out about encroaching danger* look
No. 41211 ID: eeb7d9

We need to see a demon like this some day. And Roland and Vol reacting accordingly. Like in this drawing.
No. 41219 ID: 91ee5f

Roland: “Hey, Vol, do you ever get the feeling we’re being watched?”
Vol: *incoherent fearful babbling*
Roland: “Yeah, you’re right. I’m probably just imagining things.”
No. 41314 ID: a451fc
File 154372475360.png - (158.63KB , 552x709 , Rabbit.png )

No. 41315 ID: a451fc
File 154372476908.png - (715.43KB , 1039x1417 , Alien Cyclops Woman.png )

No. 41318 ID: d3602f

Interesting clothing design.
No. 41332 ID: a451fc
File 154390427481.png - (129.86KB , 923x500 , Jumping Ship.png )

Guess Tumblr's going down, that's what I get for relying on one platform.
No. 41355 ID: d3602f

It really is one massive mess. Any ideas on where your going to post your work now?
No. 41358 ID: eeb7d9

You had an account? That sucks man. Well i mean, i am not surprised, shame i didn't saw it before. Where are you going to go now?
No. 41359 ID: b1b4f3

I wonder if Twitter is going to wind up absorbing most of the fleeing porn artists? The hashtag system kindof works for tagging art...
No. 41360 ID: 91ee5f

Look at the top. There’s a link to his tumblr up there.
No. 41361 ID: a451fc

Mostly Twitter https://twitter.com/Heretic7Hunter I've got an instagram and piczel I'm going to fill with the rest of my pictures in case.
No. 41365 ID: eeb7d9

Wow, now i feel dumb, or blind, or both.
No. 41467 ID: a451fc
File 154466196686.png - (507.69KB , 1039x1417 , Gun Imp.png )

Imps are fun to draw
No. 41470 ID: ad51b8

imp nerf gun fight when?
No. 41485 ID: a451fc
File 154481884671.png - (463.76KB , 1039x1317 , Inceniroar.png )

No. 41486 ID: 91ee5f

Are you trying to tell us who your main in Smash is?
No. 41487 ID: a451fc

Incineroar is a real fun addition and I love him yes, but my main mans always gonna be Bowser.
No. 41488 ID: a451fc
File 154483309976.png - (308.27KB , 1039x1417 , Goblin Wizard.png )

No. 41491 ID: 91ee5f

Hey, me too! Bowser is also my main!
No. 41637 ID: a451fc
File 154615384786.png - (501.29KB , 1039x1417 , Cleaver Kobold.png )

No. 41638 ID: a451fc
File 154615390855.png - (417.24KB , 1039x1417 , Cat Princess.png )

No. 41639 ID: a451fc
File 154615411151.png - (473.41KB , 1039x1417 , Mouse Princess.png )

No. 41640 ID: a451fc
File 154615412446.png - (466.44KB , 1039x1417 , Christmas Cogborn.png )

No. 41641 ID: a451fc
File 154615415391.png - (459.79KB , 1039x1417 , Cogborn Cheese.png )

No. 41642 ID: 080aaf

I wonder why Cat has two tails.
No. 41893 ID: a451fc
File 154845254238.png - (406.91KB , 1039x1417 , BurrowKnight.png )

No. 41894 ID: a451fc
File 154845255526.png - (507.96KB , 1039x1417 , CogbornDrunk.png )

No. 41895 ID: a451fc
File 154845259377.png - (407.52KB , 1039x1228 , Gearguard.png )

No. 41896 ID: a451fc
File 154845260396.png - (510.89KB , 1039x1417 , Ogre Princess.png )

No. 41897 ID: a451fc
File 154845262322.png - (313.76KB , 996x1176 , Cogborn Gun.png )

No. 41898 ID: a451fc
File 154845263392.jpg - (78.04KB , 771x807 , cogbornsmoke.jpg )

No. 41899 ID: a451fc
File 154845264564.png - (444.36KB , 1039x1651 , Cogborn Revolutionary.png )

No. 41900 ID: a451fc
File 154845266199.png - (268.73KB , 830x1200 , Cyclops Cat.png )

No. 41901 ID: a451fc
File 154845269273.png - (422.50KB , 1039x1417 , Monoloke.png )

No. 41902 ID: a451fc
File 154845269941.png - (177.72KB , 940x1303 , Adventure Imp.png )

No. 41903 ID: a451fc
File 154845271789.png - (591.16KB , 1039x1417 , Moth Princess V4.png )

No. 41904 ID: a451fc
File 154845273762.png - (838.82KB , 1039x1417 , HalucanogistDownload.png )

No. 41905 ID: b1b4f3

Who's this Cogborn character you've been drawing?
No. 41906 ID: a451fc
File 154846430522.png - (489.45KB , 1000x1500 , MousePrincessv4Card.png )

From Gat's Towergirl V4 Card https://twitter.com/acgats
No. 42006 ID: a451fc
File 154931412071.png - (887.07KB , 1711x1189 , Zygg.png )

No. 42358 ID: a451fc
File 155211929402.png - (2.79MB , 1634x2035 , TroyJJBASemistyle.png )

No. 42377 ID: a451fc
File 155225767714.png - (728.64KB , 1293x1505 , lessrudekobold.png )

No. 42378 ID: a451fc
File 155225769315.png - (527.56KB , 1072x1145 , Flyboy.png )

No. 42391 ID: a9af05

So what does Troy's stand yell when it's attacking? Does it go "Ora Ora Ora" or "Muda Muda Muda"? Maybe a "Dora Ra Ra Ra"? Or is it something else entirely?
No. 42394 ID: eeb7d9

I can't think of anything but a "Fuck you".
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