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File 140375098705.jpg - (491.83KB , 1181x1181 , Medication.jpg )
23622 No. 23622 ID: cc08c7

It's time I started doing more than making bad suggestions on here, so I'll post some art that people may or may not find terrible, probably mostly the former.
175 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 29545 ID: cc08c7
File 145794193929.jpg - (345.14KB , 2094x2814 , Subject9.jpg )

Alien thing, practicing basic poses and wanted to make an alien...thing.
No. 29673 ID: cc08c7
File 145860853089.jpg - (0.99MB , 3252x2483 , SpazzIsBack.jpg )

Character design stuff, revamped a really old idea with a new style.
No. 29674 ID: cc08c7
File 145860858685.jpg - (292.66KB , 2508x1655 , SnappyPoses.jpg )

Also have some Snap sketches I did for practice.
No. 30103 ID: cc08c7
File 146325120512.jpg - (301.93KB , 1903x1291 , HappylandCritters.jpg )

No. 30205 ID: dcc486

oh right it's been a while but I forgot to say I like the thing because I like alium things

I also like the more recent things but the happyland critters unnerve me for some reason
No. 30250 ID: cc08c7
File 146483175088.jpg - (483.52KB , 2425x2136 , MorphingSkinwalker.jpg )

Drew this skinwalker for my BF.
No. 30251 ID: cc08c7


I'm glad I can make some things that people on here enjoy, even if I haven't started a quest yet.

As for the Happyland critters they're not all bad, they probably have some adorable little skeletons in their little pastel closets though.
No. 30449 ID: cc08c7


No. 30450 ID: cc08c7
File 146715286155.jpg - (460.78KB , 1181x1181 , ForestBoss.jpg )

Forest Boss concept art.
No. 30451 ID: cc08c7
File 146715292928.jpg - (373.99KB , 1181x1181 , DesertBoss.jpg )

Desert Boss concept art.
No. 30452 ID: cc08c7
File 146715304502.jpg - (486.76KB , 1181x1181 , CaveBoss.jpg )

Cave Boss concept art.
No. 30453 ID: cc08c7
File 146715310547.jpg - (398.11KB , 1181x1181 , CityBoss.jpg )

City Boss concept art.
No. 30454 ID: cc08c7
File 146715314548.jpg - (237.91KB , 1181x1181 , FinalBosses.jpg )

Final Bosses concept art.
No. 30455 ID: cc08c7
File Gripwalk2.swf - (29.62KB , 800x400 )

Animation of main character. I know it's kinda crap but it was my first time really animating a full walk cycle.
No. 30456 ID: cc08c7
File GripIdle.swf - (16.23KB , 550x400 )

Main character (named Grip) has a lazy and weird idle animation.
No. 30457 ID: cc08c7
File gripjump.swf - (23.23KB , 550x400 )

His jump cycle.
No. 30458 ID: cc08c7
File funguyidle.swf - (60.19KB , 550x400 )

Finally idle animation of Funguy (first boss).
No. 30506 ID: cc08c7
File 146754210701.png - (16.45KB , 589x523 , dicks.png )

>The one person who consistently responded to this thread got himself banned
No. 30507 ID: cc08c7
File 146754422920.png - (116.48KB , 709x709 , LicoriceBunny.png )

I just realized I've never posted this one here. It's the closest thing I have to an avatar since Cyclops Cat.
No. 30508 ID: f562b1

Seriously? How'd that happen?
No. 30509 ID: 595d54

Cirr and the RML shitstorm.
No. 30510 ID: b1960b

only a 1 day ban
No. 30511 ID: cc08c7
File 146758174236.jpg - (87.07KB , 1117x1357 , PauliePony.jpg )

Drew a twink horse for my BF, experimenting with the style a bit. Kinda.
No. 30512 ID: cc08c7
File 146758537377.jpg - (96.94KB , 1159x1415 , DriftyPony.jpg )

Now with more cute and horsepower.
No. 30518 ID: cc08c7
File 146767028516.jpg - (239.70KB , 2318x1787 , LittleBirdyLock.jpg )

Might as well post Lock here too. Acid Soup OC who blackmails people and advertises herself as a "private investigator". She has her own secrets that she keeps locked away in her body, more than likely literally.
No. 30555 ID: cc08c7
File 146795634682.png - (4.60KB , 354x354 , SaiCwol.png )

Quoll. In colour!
No. 30559 ID: cc08c7
File 146802776203.jpg - (151.35KB , 1639x1754 , YB.jpg )

Quolls, though.
No. 30626 ID: cc08c7
File 146871994710.png - (5.04KB , 590x590 , Crowtagonist.png )

Whatever could this be for I wonder.
No. 30672 ID: cc08c7
File 146923739046.jpg - (259.25KB , 2434x1564 , Hackslash.jpg )

OC/Character based on Broken Halo's current Quest.

Hackslash is a malware program that looks for unprotected or weak systems to infect and wreak havoc with. She has the ability to control the systems she infects and if she was say, downloaded while Aalos was updating his junk, would more than likely use it to torment and "play" with him. Aside from controlling his reproductive systems she'd eventually start getting into other things and making Aalos do whatever she wants through either teasing or just hijacking his motor skills. Despite her generally playful nature she can be sadistic or violent if pushed far enough.
No. 30727 ID: cc08c7
File 146942831257.png - (290.24KB , 1212x1516 , HackslashSingleColoured.png )

Tablet practice, inked and coloured version of Hackslash.
No. 30740 ID: cc08c7
File 146952048939.png - (1.03MB , 1639x1754 , YBC.png )

No. 30741 ID: cc08c7
File 146952056047.png - (1.15MB , 1911x1639 , SnapToIt.png )

No. 30757 ID: 5d0d3a

what is it foooor, also I'm getting huge Monument Valley vibes for some reason also hi I'm not dead
No. 30759 ID: cc08c7


To be as honest as possible, a Quest protagonist for something I really want to work on, but need to seriously kick myself into gear to make. Also the style I was going for was more of a Night in The Woods kinda feel but I see the Monument Valley vibes (birb) when I look back at her yeah. Also nice to still see you around.
No. 30786 ID: cc08c7
File 146984328418.jpg - (459.96KB , 1961x2053 , Avery.jpg )

Greed monster for my boyfriend.
No. 30788 ID: cc08c7
File 146984431959.jpg - (773.48KB , 3178x1796 , TizzlTheWeed.jpg )

OC for the webcomic Floraverse by GlitchedPuppet.

Tizzl is one of two brothers who murdered his sibling for fame and had his arms torn off as punishment. He desires to get back his spellbook and regain his powers (and arms).
No. 30789 ID: cc08c7
File 146984451280.jpg - (899.92KB , 3368x2367 , TikAndTheAngel.jpg )

Different OC for the same webcomic. Tik survived an angel attack and has since been hospitalized and suffers from nightmares about the angel that attacked her.
No. 30792 ID: cc08c7
File 146987147253.png - (762.70KB , 2285x2963 , ArtificialCatgirlNyancyColouredFixed.png )

Fixed version because I fucked up and left some white spaces. Nyancy, my Horny Futa Quest OC.
No. 30793 ID: a4d818

What a cutie!
No. 30809 ID: cc08c7
File 147020972733.png - (3.63MB , 3089x2367 , TikAndTheAngelColoured.png )

Coloured version of the Tik picture.
No. 30828 ID: cc08c7
File 147041673650.png - (473.02KB , 885x1092 , AliceColoured.png )

No. 30917 ID: cc08c7
File 147099372564.png - (297.26KB , 1192x1224 , PatchesColoured.png )

Stuffed kangaroo for my BF.
No. 30918 ID: cc08c7
File 147106922102.png - (1.61MB , 2318x1787 , LittleBirdyLockColoured.png )

Coloured version of Lock.
No. 30919 ID: f562b1

Is it inspired by Weaver's Toybox Pals?
No. 30922 ID: cc08c7


A bit. It's also inspired by Shirley Temple's version of Winnie the Pooh and its horrifying puppets.
No. 30946 ID: cc08c7
File 147124547059.png - (235.78KB , 500x500 , AnxietyTitle.png )

No. 30987 ID: cc08c7

I occasionally do writing too but I dunno if I should link those in this thread or not, probably not but whatever.
No. 30988 ID: af6e04

I don't see why not. I'll read it!
No. 30990 ID: cc08c7


Here's my most recent stuff. They're both fanworks but I'm going to start writing my own stuff again very soon.


No. 31364 ID: cc08c7
File 147503470961.jpg - (129.39KB , 1697x1291 , SnakoidGrunt.jpg )

Alien sneks!
No. 31403 ID: 4610df

woo aliens! woo sneks!!
No. 31505 ID: cc08c7
File 147639252099.jpg - (189.42KB , 1631x1845 , Garal Floodwater.jpg )

Drew a Peluda Pirate for my BF.
No. 31506 ID: 91ee5f

What's a Peluda Pirate and what are they from?
No. 31518 ID: cc08c7

Peluda is a mythological monster that survived the flood from Noah's Ark. It's also the creature that inspired Lavos from Chrono Trigger.
No. 31578 ID: cc08c7
File 147705329288.jpg - (87.61KB , 985x1448 , PaintItPatch.jpg )

Drew a Silver Fox yesterday, might as well put it here.
No. 31583 ID: cc08c7
File 147708278767.jpg - (173.25KB , 1664x1398 , ChokingChicken.jpg )

More Zootopia stuff. Anon suggested Patch choking on cocks. There might've been some miscommunication.
No. 32585 ID: cc08c7

Changed my Tumblr recently so the old story links no longer work. Here's the new ones:


No. 32628 ID: cc08c7
File 148373346140.jpg - (222.49KB , 2193x1506 , TroubledCouple.jpg )

More Floraverse stuff, Gill the Necropossum and their unpleasant partner Sam the Hanged Man.
No. 32629 ID: cc08c7
File 148373352727.jpg - (282.83KB , 1697x2151 , HellKnight.jpg )

The Hell Knight from the Demon's Kettle story. I put a bit more effort than normal into this one.
No. 32630 ID: cc08c7
File 148373360501.jpg - (467.70KB , 2309x2391 , SevenEvilCritters2017.jpg )

Redraw of the Seven Evil Critters. Tried to give them slightly more dynamic poses.
No. 32631 ID: cc08c7
File 148373377148.jpg - (655.41KB , 2656x2276 , PatchPaintIt.jpg )

Finally something older than the last two but I still like how it came out. Patch Houston smut.
No. 32649 ID: cc08c7
File 148399293331.jpg - (246.79KB , 2433x952 , AnxietyRefs1.jpg )

What could this be for?
No. 32664 ID: cc08c7
File 148418492494.jpg - (618.94KB , 3112x1515 , ElementalCritters2017.jpg )

Second set of Evil Critters.
No. 32747 ID: cc08c7
File 148503865391.jpg - (622.58KB , 2500x3186 , AnotherUseEdit.jpg )

More fun with Gill and Sam. Calling Sam "unpleasant" before was a bit of an understatement.
No. 32748 ID: cc08c7
File 148503874617.jpg - (142.20KB , 1175x1407 , OtanSadan.jpg )

Chubby deathwalker I rolled up using the Floraverse character generator.
No. 33081 ID: cc08c7
File 148736411176.jpg - (200.56KB , 1489x943 , EyeScreamYouScream.jpg )

Gertrude from Acid Soup giving Snap a new ice cream after the tragic Cone Drop of 2016.
No. 33152 ID: cc08c7

*Gretchen, not Gertrude. I haven't read Acid Soup in forever. I'm ashamed.
No. 33237 ID: cc08c7
File 148843274889.png - (21.51KB , 600x600 , PatchInTheWoods1.png )

You'll never guess what I've been playing.

*Minor Edit, moved her up a bit.
No. 33238 ID: 8dcef8

Night Innawoods.
No. 33239 ID: cc08c7

Ayy forgettabout.
No. 33535 ID: cc08c7
File 149126607753.png - (20.67KB , 600x600 , PatchInTheWoodsDX.png )

Improved version of previous Patch upload.
No. 33536 ID: cc08c7
File 149126701189.png - (18.43KB , 600x600 , ItsCharlotte.png )

No. 33539 ID: cc08c7
File 149127095770.png - (25.56KB , 600x600 , StrictlyBusiness.png )

John Doe, character for a story I'm writing.
No. 33540 ID: cc08c7
File 149127101914.png - (45.23KB , 600x600 , Partners.png )

Karma (Gator) and Finagle (Meerkat), boyfriends and characters from the same story John Doe is in.
No. 33697 ID: cc08c7
File 149238945436.jpg - (77.22KB , 852x1216 , TopCat.jpg )

One of two drawings for my BF. Magician Cat.
No. 33698 ID: cc08c7
File 149238962965.jpg - (399.56KB , 2318x3045 , ForestDjinn.jpg )

Second pic for my BF, Forest Djinn.
No. 33729 ID: 1226ae

Super cool!
No. 34046 ID: cc08c7
File 149510935981.jpg - (42.84KB , 761x835 , MassDefectAndromeda.jpg )

Human head practice.
No. 34534 ID: cc08c7
File 149818540149.jpg - (595.22KB , 3178x1258 , WoozleGang.jpg )

Mustelid cartoon mobsters, part of a gang lead by a weasel.
No. 35017 ID: 36de2e
File 150109566930.jpg - (289.30KB , 2160x2723 , GitGudLittleGhost.jpg )

Hornet from Hollow Knight. I fucking love this game and it's character designs.
No. 35561 ID: 36de2e
File 150380984977.jpg - (412.01KB , 2458x2077 , LetsPlayYiposAdventure.jpg )

Bosses from a videogame in an RP I'm doing with my boyfriend, and his character Cosmo stuck in the middle of them.
No. 35681 ID: 36de2e
File 150462567399.jpg - (264.89KB , 2036x1862 , CandyGirls.jpg )

Older art of Candy Lesbians Taffy the Rabbit and Tiger Stripe the Cat. They fight crime and stuff in a magical Candy World.
No. 35682 ID: c88e6d

They're pretty!
No. 35725 ID: 36de2e
File 150493627088.jpg - (151.73KB , 1266x1969 , BitchRly2.jpg )

Posing practice with Taffy.
No. 35727 ID: 36de2e
File 150494607042.jpg - (170.66KB , 1382x2052 , JittersFix.jpg )

Criminal bun with a magic stage cane. As long as she keeps it out of sight she can make it appear almost anywhere else nearby.
No. 35728 ID: 36de2e
File 150494685351.jpg - (504.13KB , 2764x1573 , RedSunCultRest.jpg )

More main characters from the story I'm working on in a semi-nitw sketch style. One of my slightly older works from earlier in the summer.

Left to right:

Puppets, the foot soldiers of the cult. What's under the robes is a mystery, created by Alexia.

Alexia: Strange and eccentric woman able to create the puppets using some sort of magic. Enjoys dressing up and feeling loved.

Stark: One of the most hated people in town, a violent sociopath who revels in causing suffering and making everyone else miserable.

Samael: Father of a local church and a somewhat secretive man. Samael knows of a looming danger that threatens his town and wishes to stop it by any means necessary.

Cult Outfit: Outfit worn by the Red Sun Cult consisting of a rain jacket or hood with a gas mask to conceal their identities during their rituals.
No. 35729 ID: 4fc114

Wow this looks promising. What kind of story will this be, I am intrigued?
No. 35745 ID: 36de2e
File 150510602455.jpg - (131.62KB , 1498x1473 , ChesterFields.jpg )

Chester Fields, woodpecker from an old cartoon of dubious origins.
No. 35764 ID: 36de2e
File 150528852532.jpg - (172.75KB , 1175x1630 , AngrierSpotter.jpg )

Big angry hyena girl.
No. 35791 ID: 36de2e
File 150535380223.jpg - (375.78KB , 2210x2532 , BuzzOff.jpg )

More old fashioned cartoon experimenting.
No. 35890 ID: 36de2e
File 150597198248.jpg - (112.98KB , 1192x1448 , Maidtroid.jpg )

Zeta Maidtroid.
No. 35899 ID: c88e6d

That maidtroid is extremely cute. I approve.
No. 36043 ID: 36de2e
File 150678770790.png - (94.17KB , 885x1092 , AliceColoured.png )

Another coloured version of my Alice pic from forever ago.
No. 36044 ID: 9b3a4a

Reminds me of Vibri.
No. 37321 ID: 36de2e
File 151401300179.jpg - (305.40KB , 1697x2027 , GazeSisters.jpg )

Bosses for a thing I'm doing with my boyfriend. Twin eyeball sisters who run a planet of art.
No. 37323 ID: 36de2e
File 151401332681.jpg - (340.45KB , 1738x2425 , WiredDJ.jpg )

From same idea, mute Deer DJ boss.
No. 37324 ID: 36de2e
File 151401340427.jpg - (181.79KB , 1490x1522 , PhotogenicButterfly.jpg )

Last one from the same setting, camera butterfly boss.
No. 38011 ID: 36de2e
File 152030433848.png - (542.53KB , 2764x1573 , RedSunCultRestColoured.png )

No. 38334 ID: 36de2e
File 152265964858.jpg - (334.74KB , 2384x2259 , AbstractDistraction.jpg )

Had a strange dream the other night and tried to draw it.
No. 38335 ID: 36de2e
File 152265970779.jpg - (450.98KB , 2318x2921 , DoNotReply.jpg )

Sort of continuation, this didn't happen in the dream but I wanted to do more with the same character.
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